The light shines through the curtains and hits my eyes. I open as I noticed that a new day has started. I checked my phone, 5 missed calls and 10 text messages. I stare at my phone blankly and scratch my head. I take a long yawn. Then the switch hit my brain. It's Alex who sent me those.
I instantly called Alex without reading the text messages. The phone rings at least 2 times then there's silence.
I start to blush, "Alex."
"You just woke up?"
"Yeah, I did in fact. What time is it?"
There was silence, "It's noon."
Not a surprise.
"Well there's still daylight, why don't we do something? I mean that is if you don't have anything else to do."
I smiled, "Sure, we can go hang out."
He stays quiet for a few seconds, "Let's go to the park."
"Sure! I'd love to go to the park." I was actually really excited to go somewhere and with Alex. But this is bad. I just met the guy yesterday, who knows what can happen or what he wants.
"Alright, meet you up at 2?"
"Why 2, if I may ask."
"Well I just thought you might want a shower and to do some stuff before you come spend a day with me."
He is so generous. "Thank you, that's very nice of you."
"Anytime. Alright, well, I'll leave you to it."
"Alright, see you soon."
And with that I hung up. I jumped out of bed and rushed to find Abbey.
Abbey was on the couch watching Netflix; not a surprise.
"Abbey, I'm going out."
"I figured."
"It's obvious, you're going head over heels for him. I mean you showed it last night."
I start to burn with blush, "I-I was not."
Abbey chuckles. "Oh please, I can see it you too. I mean it's fine if you guys like each other, just give it time before you do anything crazy and stupid."
Abbey always know what to do and say. And she is right, I have to watch out. I nod and decided to say, "Well, we're going to the park and I want to look my best. Mind if you help me out?"
Abbey giggles and jumps off the couch and stops whatever movie she was watching. She looks at me and nods, "take a shower."
I nod and ran to the bathroom. Since I have REALLY short hair, it's so much easier to take showers. I take a 10 minute shower and got out. I dried my naked curvy body, I'm not fat, nor am I skinny. I'm slightly proportioned. I wish I was a bit thinner but I'm glad I have the body I'm in. I wrap my towel around my head and slipped into my robe. I walk out the bathroom and Abbey awaits me in my room, she has clothing laid out for me. There's a simple red dress, it has short sleeves, it's pretty low in the cleavage but elegant, up above my knees. There's white lacy socks and ankle boot heels. And a fedora next to it. With some round glasses.
"Um, wow." I loved it.
"Here put it on, Imma be outside." She walks out and closes the door behind her. I slipped out of the robe and put on a black bra with a black thong; thongs are comfortable, okay? I slipped on the dress and and socks. I called Abbey in, she loved it. She dried my hair with a blow dryer and it curled, she laughed, "I think we should straighten it."
"Agreed." I looked at my hair through the mirror.
After an hour of straightening, it's time to put on my make up. Abbey applied thin winged eyeliner, and a dark red stainable lipstick; since there won't be any kissing. And the final touch, she applied a little hit on blush into my round cheeks. I look at the mirror for my final touches. I look beautiful. I am speechless.
"Now go, you're gonna be late-"
The doorbell rings. I turn to see what time it is. It's 2. Holy fuck.
"Quick! Get the door!" I yelled to Abbey.
She went rushing to the door to answer.
I put on my black ankle boots and my little fedora. I looked at myself then decided I was ready. I brought my little black purse for my phone and wallet, and of course a pad.
I walk to the living room to find Alex standing near the couches. He's dressed in a red button down short sleeve shirt and jeans, with his hair of course slicked back with his quiff. He sees me staring at him. He smiles and I do too.
"Wow, y-you look beautiful." He smiles
I blush. It was probably noticeable since he smiled bigger at me.
"You too."
We both chuckle. Abbey interrupts us by taking a Polaroid. She's so damn obsessed with that thing.
"Abbey!" I looked at her.
She laughs, "I had to!"
"If you wanted a picture you should've told us to pose." Alex stated.
"Well the thing is, you capture more of the moment when you're off guard than you are posing." Abbey smiles.
She's right. Sometimes I think Abbey is a lot smarter than me, but it's just common sense.
"Here." She gives Alex the picture.
He looks at it, he smiles and puts it in his pocket. I stare at him, he notices.
"What?" He asks.
I look to Abbey, and she smiles, "it's a beautiful picture. I promise."
I sigh, "C'mon, let's go." As I start to walk towards the door, I realize to bring his jacket. I walk towards the chair where I left it, and came back. I smiled, "Here Alex, thank you so much. But this is yours. I can't accept it."
He nods and take the jacket in his hands, "Understood."
I smile, he opens his arm open, "May I?"
I giggle and link my arm around his, and he guides me to the front door.
"Have fuuuuuun." Abbey calls out. I gave her the finger and she laughs. We go down the elevators and down the steps outside of the apartment building. It's just me and Alex for these few hours now.{Hey everyone! Thank you for reading! The image in the beginning of the chapter is the outfit she wore. So yeah, I hope you enjoy it! -Carina}

Bigger Boys and Stolen Sweethearts
FanfictionLily is the type of girl who was the Valid Victorian at highschool, who graduated with honors. Her parents couldn't pay for college nor could she escape from her family. They were the type who were abusive and they needed her to be the slave. She go...