Chapter Five

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Today is the day we are heading to my kingdom and I'm worried. What if the people don't accept me? I mean I have been gone for over 6 years now. Will they even remember me?

"Merlin! Snap out of it! We need to leave" Arthur said as he mounted his horse for the first time instead of me.

It was odd to see him do all of the things I used to do when I was his servant.

Lancelot, Gwaine, Mordred, Arthur and the Knights of Malian were the only ones coming to the trip to my kingdom. At first, Arthur thought we should bring more Knights Incase we get attacked by Morgana but then Mordred and I reminded him that both of us have powerful magic. We would be able to hold off her and her men along enough to where the others could escape and then we can get their semi-safely.

We have been riding for a little while when Arthur stopped us.

"Listen..." He said and I heard nothing.

"I hear nothing.." I said confused.

"Exactly. It's to quiet" He said and then all of a sudden a ton of bandits came out from behind trees and started to attack us. I looked at Mordred and its like we read each other's minds because we turned back to the bandits and used magic to have them thrown into trees.

"Not used to seeing that..." Arthur said quietly to himself and put his sword back in its place.

"Come on, we need to reach the border by nightfall." Gwaine said and got on his horse, waiting for us to follow behind.

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