Chapter Fourteen

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I awoke a while later considering it was dark outside. I was laying in my bed with Arthur and Lancelot beside the bed.

"What happened?" I asked confused.

"We don't know. We just came to see why you didn't come to the training grounds to train and then found you passed out on the floor with a note from Mordred in your hand." Lance answered.

"Oh." I said and then jumped out of the bed.

"Woah woah Merlin! You should lay back down you don't look so good." Arthur told me. What? I felt fine.

"I feel fine!" I said and then I tripped over a piece of clothes that was on the floor because I was to lazy to pick it up.

"Um... are you okay?" Arthur asked and I rolled my eyes in a sarcastic manner.

"Yes! I just totally LOVEEEEE laying on the floor in my free time. No biggie." I said sarcastically. Lancelot laughed a little bit and Arthur noticeably rolled his eyes and then they lifted me off of the floor

"Hello." We heard from the door.

"I thought you were dead." I said and she grinned.

"Oh I'm anything but." Naira said and then put and evil smirk on her face.

"Mordred." I said and she held her smirk.

"Oh, poor Mordred. He is in so much pain. But Im not done. I have come to take one more of you." She said and I could see the fear in Arthur's and Lance's eyes.


A/N: Okay i think i will just be updating everyother day sorry. Everyday is just hard to keep with. ALSO I WAS GONNA UPLOAD THIS YESTERDAY BUT THEN I FELL ASLEEP OKAY COOL. ALSO ITS SUPER SHORT IM SORRY BUT I HAVE MY REASONS IN ORDER TO MAKE THE NEXT CHAPTER BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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