Chapter Seven

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I woke up in my old chambers with Arthur sitting in a chair next to my bed and Mordred next to him. We were the only three in the room and I could feel the tension in the air.

"Hi..." I said weakly and they looked at me and Arthur grinned a little bit.

"Hello Merlin. How are you feeling?" He asked concerned.

"I'm good I guess. I just have a small headache." I answered and he nodded.

We sat in an awkward silence until I remembered the reason why I was in here.

"Where's Morgana?" I asked quickly and scared.

"In the deepest, most secure dungeon." Mordred answered and I nodded slowly.

"Thank you Arthur." I said bluntly and he looked confused.

"For what?" He asked.

"For using your magic. It's not something I expected you to have being honest but I'm glad you used it at that time." I said and he looked surprised.

"Y-you were awake? I thought you were knocked out." He finished and I laughed lightly.

"Don't assume anything until you know for certain Arthur." I smirked and he looked down.


We sat in an awkward silence for a couple of minutes until Mordred spoke up.

"So since the past few days we have been revealing things, I want to say something." He said nervously and I knew What he wanted to tell.

"Go ahead Mordred." Arthur said and looked him in the eyes.

"I-I'm a Druid." He said and Arthur looked shocked for a moment.

"Okay." He said bluntly and looked away. Mordred looked at me and I nodded my head to him letting him know that everything would be okay.

A couple of hours later I was able to walk around the Castle. Of course, Arthur was stuck to my side the entire time so I decided to give him a tour of the castle. We finished the tour of the castle so Arthur and I decided to take a walk around the town.

We ran into a few of the towns people considering it was late at night and we talked to them for a bit.

After they left us, it just gave Arthur and I some time to talk.

"Hey Arthur?" I asked and he looked at me.

"Yes Merlin?" He replied to me.

"How did you hide your magic from your father? You know how strongly against he was against it. What were to happen if he would have found out?" I asked.

"I honestly think that he always had his suspicions because... Well... I was born of magic. So of course the trait could have possibly passed down." He answered and I nodded my head, understanding what he was saying.

All of a sudden, the warning bells went off and a knight ran up to me.

"Sire, Morgana has escaped." He said than ran off. I looked at Arthur and he nodded and then we started to run towards the dungeons.

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