On 1st of January I woke up with a major headache. I was laying in my bed and a bunch of other people from our school, along with Miles and Zoe, were in my room aswell. Luckily nothing was broken or too messy, but still I was disgusted by the fact, some random people are laying on my carpet, hungover and asleep. It was 11 am and everything was quiet. I remember spending the midnight with Miles and Zoe and in case you're wondering, no Miles and I did not kiss at midnight, thankfully. That would just complicate already complicated things and I decided to get his promise as a friendly joke. He was drunk too, so yeah, nothing to really worry about. I don't remember when exactly I fell asleep but due to the fact I was still in my black dress and matching heels, I can persume I haven't done anything stupid. Thank god. Why did I even get so drunk?! Oh right. Theo. Great. A wonderful thought to start a new year with.
A little bit grumpy, I got myself up, heading to the kitchen and trying not to step on anyone. Clearly some people have gone home already but there was still a bunch of them, laying in every corner of the house. Great. I need some medicine for my headache. Someone is snoring in the living room as I get those pills into my mouth with a relief. I hope it gets weaker soon. I regret walking into a living room as soon as I face Theo. A sexy, sleepy, Theo dressed in his tracksuit and a tight white t-shirt that fits his perfect body completely. I try my best not to stare at him, while he picks up the trash.
"Oh Shailene, hi, didn't see you there."
He says as he notices me. I try to get myself together quickly, which is much harder than it looks.
"Uh hey..."
Is everything I can really say. Our moment from yesterday is constantly replaying in front of my eyes. Our heated, passionate moment.
He stratches the back of his neck awkwardly and doesn't say anything. We are probably both embarrased about what happened yesterday. Was he really that drunk? Maybe something true was in that words? I would like to speak to him about it but I don't know where to start.
"Listen, could you take care of the trash? I have to find Soph and these people need to get out of here."
Without waiting for my response, he hands me the bag and storms off into another room. I stand there confused and disappointed. I guess he's not into talking about it.
/Theo's POV/
What the fuck is happening? What the fuck happened yesterday? Did I really almost kiss Shailene and confessed to her that I would cheat on Sophia with her?! What the hell am I doing?! This is wrong! I have a girlfriend and I love her!
Do you? Do you really love Sophia?
Of course I do.
But you often think she's too girly. And childish. And god, what was that making out yesterday supposed to mean? You were almost disgusted by it and than she simply left you for her silly friends!
Okay, sometimes she is like that and it annoys me. But when we are alone she's..okay.
Is okay enough for someone you're supposed to love?
Nobody's perfect.
Shailene is.
I do find her attractive yes. And yesterday..in that moment...I felt something I've never felt before. Something so passionate. Loving. Something I never feel with Sophia. But still, I have a...
You're falling for Shailene. You are falling hard.
I shake one of the guys on the floor a little too hard and get myself a bunch of curse words but I almost overhear them. Am I falling for Shailene?
/Shailene's POV/
// 3 weeks later //
School started again and everything is pretty much back on track. We managed to get house cleaned up till mom and Brian came back so everything is okay. School is boring as always, and Sophia is back to being her usual self, claiming her party will be remembered for a long time. Yeah right.
Well maybe not everything is okay. Theo haven't spoken to me since that morning. He's been avoiding me ever since. He's never around anymore and it seems like he forgot I existed. And that hurts. Have I done something wrong? Was I the only one who felt there IS something between us? I have no idea what to do.
It was just another friday, however, and I just said goodbye to Zoe, heading to my car, trying not to think about Theo once again. I don't know who and what he is but he managed to catch me completely off guard. At least Sophia is spending her weekend at her friend's lakehouse, so that's some good news. A little bit of peace for me after a long long time.
Before I could torture myself on, my phone rang and I opened the text with a loud sigh.
Meet me today at 6 at my apartment?
I look at the sender, completely confused. Theo.
What. The hell.
So because I was feeling inspirational today, here's another chapter for you to read. Sorry for the grammar mistakes, I was typing on my phone. However, I hope you enjoy reading it as well as I enjoyed writing it!