FOUR. invitations and sucky teenage parties

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season two — episode two


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OLIVER DESPISED HOW EARLY school started. Maybe — just maybe — if they didn't have to wake up so early, he would like school more. But no. They had to wake up earlier than elders on a Sunday — for five days a week — and were expected to be on the top of their game.

He hated it.

And yet, he never missed a single day of school. To be completely honest, he had debated even getting out of his bed that morning. He was so tempted to break his perfect attendance just so he could get a few more minutes of sleep. . . but he was trying to get a scholarship.

To where? He had no idea. Anything would be fine for him, as long as he didn't have to pay a single cent. Hell, he was just a good student that he didn't do anything but work, study, and go home — where he studied some more.

That's why he laughed in Steve's face when he invited him to a Halloween party that was happening later that night. "Yeah, right," he spoke through breathy laughs. "Like I would even want to step foot inside of one of those dumbass parties. They're just a waste of time." Steve, who was leaning against the locker beside Oliver, raised an eyebrow, an amused smirk on his face.

"Riddle me this. Have you ever been to a party?" Oliver dug through his locker, pulling out a thick binder that had been stuffed full of random papers throughout the school year. "No. Why would I want to? It's just a bunch of teenagers getting drunk and throwing up all over each other." Steve snorted, closing Oliver's locker with his right hand, almost causing the said boy to jump out of his skin. "No wonder. You're so boring."

Oliver huffed in annoyance and opened his locker again, side-eyeing the tall male beside him. "Like I said. There's no use in going." Steve kissed his teeth and pulled out a folded, bright orange piece of paper, holding it out to Oliver with two fingers. "Just think about it, alright?" Oliver pursed his lips but took the paper from him, unfolding it while the teenager walked off.

(come and get sheet faced)
Halloween nite — 7 PM Oak & First SE

The blonde scoffed, shaking his head. That sounds very friendly. He folded the piece of paper up again and threw it inside of his locker — where it was probably going to be forgotten about for the rest of the year. He finished filling his bag up with the books he needed and closed his locker, turning on his heel, heading toward his next class.

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