SEVEN. somewhere among the stars

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season three — episode seven

— SOMEWHERE AMONG THE STARSseason three — episode seven

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IF YOU WERE TO tell Oliver Choi a year ago that he would be running away from evil Russians with Steve Harrington, Dustin Henderson, Erica Sinclair, and Robin Buckley by his side, he would call you insane.

But now that it was actually happening, he was still thinking that maybe this was all some sort of crazy dream. But the grip that Steve had on his forearm and the panicked looks on everyone's face was enough for him to realize that this was actually happening. "And. . . blend," Dustin said and they tried their hardest to blend into the crowd that was leaving the theater. However, since there were two people dressed in sailor outfits it was quite difficult to do so.

However, it seemed like it was going smoothly so far. "Well, shit, that worked." Oliver let out a sigh and kept his eyes ahead, gazing at all of his surroundings. "Course it worked."

"We just have to get on the bus with the rest of these plebes, and home sweet home, here we come," Dustin said, and Oliver shared a look with Steve. He bit his lip, chewing on it for a moment. "Hey, Dustin. . ." Oliver started, running a hand through his hair, completely forgetting about his scratched scalp, immediately moving his hand away. "We might not want to go to your house."

Dustin turned to face Oliver, eyebrow raised. "Why is that?" He narrowed his eyes and Oliver cleared his throat, nudging Steve. "This dumbass revealed your full name to the Russians." Steve looked at him and then at Dustin, at a loss for words. Dustin slowly turned to look at Steve. "What is wrong with you?" Dustin scolded, a scowl growing on his face as he studied the man.

      "Dude, I was drugged." Steve tried to explain but even Robin and Oliver were aware enough to know to not reveal his name. Then again. . . Steve isn't very bright. "So?" Dustin asked him, throwing his hands up in exasperation. "So?" Steve asked as if making sure he was really asking that at that moment. "So, you resist. You tough it out. You tough it out like a man." Dustin seethed, starting to get a bit riled up.

"Oh, yeah, it's easy for you to say." It was at that moment that Oliver suddenly became aware of everyone around them. He could hear the conversations that people were having and could almost sense their stares. When he looked ahead toward the entrance, he could see multiple guards decked out in armor and weapons checking everyone that left. "Abort." He heard Dustin say and Oliver wasted no time subtly slipping over to the side, grabbing ahold of Steve and Erica's hands, dragging them along with him. He let out a shaky breath when he suddenly felt one of the guards' eyes on them, watching them like a hawk. It was at that point that he gave up trying to be discreet and just started full-on sprinting, everyone trailing behind him. They found themselves in front of the escalator that was shut down for the night and Oliver urged them to slide down the middle area where nothing was blocking it.

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