FIVE. evil russian spies

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season three — episode four

— EVIL RUSSIAN SPIESseason three — episode four

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      BEFORE OLIVER KNEW IT, he was inside the small room standing in between Steve and Robin as they studied the walls and boxes that surrounded them. The sky was dark and the only light came from the room, so he was a bit paranoid about someone finding them and ultimately killing them right then and there. Of course, he was probably just overthinking — that was a problem he seemed to have.

      All five of them stood near a box that had been set in the middle of the room, Steve reaching up to open it. He pulled a knife out — and if Oliver was being honest he wasn't exactly sure where he had gotten it, but he decided not to question it — and sliced to tape open before pulling the top off.

      As soon as both sides has been torn away from the box, all five of them looked down at what was in it. Oliver furrowed his eyebrows when he saw yet another box inside of the box, except this one was metal and seemed to be a lot more protective. Steve shuffled on his feet before wrapping his hand around the handle and twisting it, slowly pulling the lid off.

      Oliver took notice of the smoke that blew around them as soon as they did, almost like they had opened a freezer. Inside, there were four identical handles, all of which seemed to be attached to something that had been secured in the metal box. "That's definitely not Chinese food." Oliver shook his head and scoffed, crossing his arms, grabbing the lanyard he had stuffed in his pocket. "I would hope not."

      Steve set the lid down on the box next to it, grabbing yet another handle so that he could pull whatever was in the box out so they could get a closer look. "Uh, maybe you guys should, you know, stand back." Robin and Erica wasted no time backing away, but Dustin and Oliver stayed where they were. Dustin had a defiant look on his face while Oliver seemed very serious. Steve took one look at Oliver and knew that he wasn't going to be able to convince him to step back, so instead, he looked at Dustin.

      "No." Steve placed a hand on Dustin's shoulder and tried to push him back, but Dustin stayed where he was. "Just step back, okay?" Dustin shook his head with a scoff, causing Steve to look at him with a raised eyebrow. "No! If you die, I die." Oliver snapped his finger and pointed at Dustin, almost as if he were saying 'yeah, what he said.'

      Steve sighed and let his head hang for a moment. "Okay." Oliver chuckled lightly and loomed over the box to try and get a better look. Steve twisted the handle to the one on the top right and slowly started to pull whatever it was out of the box. It was a luminescent green liquid that was encased in glass. Oliver assumes it's because this liquid is toxic. You don't usually keep something this protected unless it's dangerous. He knew a lot of stuff but that was something that has stuck with him for years. "What the hell?"

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