SIX. never would've thought

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season two — episode six

— NEVER WOULD'VE THOUGHTseason two — episode six

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      NEVER IN A MILLION years would Oliver had thought that he was going to be monster hunting with the king of the school — Steve Harrington. On top of that, he was with three other kids. This wasn't how he expected to spend his Saturday night.

      The once blue sky that faded into soft shades of pink and orange was now completely dark. The stars illuminated the sky, but they were way too far to cast down light. The only light that was around them was from the moon.

      Oliver was still seated on the driver's seat, feet still propped up as he twirled his knife around his fingers, careful not to accidentally cut himself. The five of them had been waiting for around an hour already and it was starting to get boring. Oliver was starting to think that maybe they had lied to him.

      Oliver turned around when he heard the creak of metal and watched as the bottom half of Lucas' body disappears to the top of the bus. He blinked slowly and turned back around, ignoring the quite annoying clicking of Steve's lighter. Max had taken a seat at the very back of the bus, arms crossed over her chest as she started to lose hope and Dustin was pacing back and forth. Oliver was so close to smacking him.

      Max stared at the back of Steve's head for a quick moment before she started a small conversation. "So you really fought one of these things before?" Oliver shifted in his seat so that he was now sitting criss-crossed and facing Steve. Steve felt his gaze and turned to him, making sure that Max could see him nodding his head with nothing else said. Oliver leaned the side of his head against the back of the seat, messy hair falling over his eyes. "And you're, like, totally, 100% sure it wasn't a bear?" Max asked, just wanting to make sure that she wasn't crazy.

      Annoyed, Dustin turned to her and rolled his eyes. "Shit. Don't be an idiot. Okay? It wasn't a bear." Taken aback, Max craned her neck, staring at him in shock. Steve and Oliver shared a look, however it seemed like Steve had a totally different idea than Oliver. "Why are you even here if you don't believe us? Just go home." Max shook her head and pushed herself off of the seat she was on.

      "Geesh. Someone's cranky. Past your bedtime?" She asked him before she climbed up the old ladder onto the top of the bus. Oliver couldn't help but snicker at the words. Steve pushed his tongue to the inside of his cheek with a smirk on his face as he stared at Dustin. "That's good. Just show her you don't care."

      Dustin stopped walking and turned to him, disbelief and almost. . . disgust on his face. "I don't." Was all he said. Steve looked at him with a raised eyebrow before winking horribly at him. Oliver pinched the bridge of his nose as a small smile tugged at his lips. "Why are you winking, Steve? Stop." Steve only shrugged and continued to flick his lighter.

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