TEN. thanks for the memories

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season two — episode nine

— THANKS FOR THE MEMORIESseason two — episode nine

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"OW!" MAX HISSED AS Oliver pinned back a piece of her hair, a frown forming on her lips as she stared ahead at the mirror in front of her. Oliver scoffed and met her eyes through the reflection, fixing the rest of her hair that rested on her shoulders. "Oh, be quiet. It'll be fine." He laughed softly, watching as she rolled her eyes.

      The two of them were sat in Max's bedroom, preparing the redhead for the Snow Ball that she was going to be attending later that night. She had asked Oliver if he could help her get ready because she truthfully didn't know what to do and her parents were busy that night. He obviously said yes, not wanting to have her go unprepared. And because he liked hanging out with the girl.

      He looked at her in the mirror once more while he pushed a strand of her fiery hair behind her ear. "See, look," he smiled brightly, eyes forming into two crescent moons. "You're pretty." She rolled her eyes once more but couldn't help but smile too, shaking her head softly. She did feel really pretty, or maybe that was the atmosphere she was surrounded by. Oliver was like the sun, radiating positivity everywhere he went, even if he wasn't smiling. He stuck out from the rest. And he was like a brother to her.

The two of them both saw someone walk past her door in their peripheral vision and they both turned. They seemed to have the same reaction to seeing the blonde teenager that watched them. They glared at him until he finally walked off, disregarding them. Oliver pursed his lips and shook his head, diverting his attention back to the girl in front of him.

"Just ignore him." Oliver told the girl, giving her a reassuring smile before turning her chair to face him. She nodded and looked up at him, giving him a better look at her hair. "You look great, Max." He said moving out of the way as she stood up, fixing the sweater that she was wearing. He dug through his pockets and pulled out a ten dollar bill, holding it out to her. "For snacks, just in case they want you to pay for them." She shook her head and tried to declined, but he shoved the bill into her hand. "Just take it."

She nodded, a small smile on her face. "Thanks." She then moved over to where her shoes were, quickly slipping them on. "Well, we might wanna leave now or I'm gonna be late." She said, glancing over at the clock that was on her bedside table. He nodded and walked out of her room, pulling his car keys out of his pocket. Oh right. He had a car now. A nice one, too. It was new — from what his father had told him — and was overall very clean and lovely.

His father got it for him as an early birthday gift — which was in a few months. He waited for Max by the door as she finished lacing up her other shoe, quickly rushing out toward him. "Someone seems excited. You going with someone?" She shook her head, her hair moving from side-to-side. "No, not that I know of." She replied, giving an honest answer.

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