"There is no happy ending"

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Wilbur x dream
Fundy x dream
George x dream

... hundreds of years ago there is a god who fall in love with a human but there are rules as being a god... and for being born as a god... dream born as a god of life and death... broke a rule and now he has suffered the punishment... he died and born again as a woman .... he do not remember all of it...

1. Do not fall in love with a human.
2. Do nit interfere with the humans.
3. Do not revived a human.
4. Do not talk to a human.
5. Never break one of the rules.
6. Never talk back to mother.
7. &$^%&($$&*(%$=_&(^^$$&*
8. £€×%_€#€*%#^&*!*(*^£*%¥
9. &×€^#^#£(!((_^€£#(^*.
10. Don't_________.
Dream: mother... I'm sorry....
Nightmare: dream... mother....
DreamXD: what happen?
Nightmare: dream broke.... the rules...
~ years later...~
- but before that here are the roles well some of.-
Dream family.
Captain puffy as dream mother.
Schlatt as dream father.
Tubbo as dream younger brother( 2 years apart) in schlatt side.
Foolish as dream older brother (3 years) full blooded brother.
Punz as dream older brother ( 5 years) full blooded brother.
Drista dream sister in puffy so half sister 1 year younger.
Lani dream sister in schlatt side 2 years younger.

Wilbur 2 years older to dream.
Fundy same age as dream
Geoege 4 years older to dream

Sapnap 2 years older tk dream.
Antfrost 2 years older to dream.
Niki 3 years older to dream.
Awesamdude same age as punz.
Karl same age as dream.

Some extra character that i might add.
Quackity as dream step mom/dad also same age as puffy.
Badboyhalo same age as puffy (sapnap mother).
Skeppy same age as schlatt ( sapnap dad).
Philza as wilbur, techno and fundy dad (or i should say their dadza 😅🤣 lol sorry back to the story).
- When dream was born.-
Schlatt: you can do it...
Schlatt:... yes ma'am.....🤐
When dream out. ( i don't know what i'm doing in my life....TwT)
Puffy: what shout we name her?
Schlatt: hmmm how about dream as beautiful are her and simple.
Puffy: okay... - she ended up falling asleep.-
- 4 years later ( i like skiping😄🤑) -
Dream: mom i'm gonna go play outside!
Puffy: alright be careful okay?
Dream: hmm!
~ in the middle of the forest dream is takilng a flower~
Wilbur: hello what are you doing?
Dream: AHHHH!.... WHO ARE YOU?
Wilbur: oh i'm wilbur but you can all me wil!
Dream: i'm dream... and i'm taking a flower to give my mom...
Wilbur: ohh! Okay.... lets be friends but i won't tell techno.
Dream: why?
Wilbur: well if i tell techno he will tell dad and dad will be mad at me going into far away into the forest and i don't want dad to be mad at me.
Dream: okay then i also won't tell sapnap.!
Wilbur: who is sapnap?
Dream: oh my friend!
- they become freind since that day meeting up on saturday and a bit on sunday. Until wilbur had realize his feelings on dream but never told her cause his afraid that he might get rejected until he got enough confidence.
9 years later.-
Dream: what is it that you wanted to tell me?
Wilbur: i.... I LIKE YOU... wait no.. I LOVE YOU! PLS DATE ME!
Dream: what is it like a secret date?
Wilbur: yes....?
Dream: sure. (///)
Wilbur: whhaaa- (/////)
- that's where their love began... after a year of love their way to show love was kiss on lips hugs and all they have never had any sexual thougth.... until both of them had growing finding out stuff... yes they ended up doing it and they never thougth of the consequence was now shall we find out?-
Dream:.... wha-... no i... - she started to tear up-
Wilbur: baby what's wrong?
Dream: i.... i'm pregnant....
Wilbur:... shh it be fine i'll be here with you..
Dream: but what we will do?
Wilbur: do you.. wanna run away?
Wilbur: well since it's saturday how about tomorrow?
Dream: okay... what time?
Wilbur: hmmm meet me in midnight here. Okay?
Dream: alright...
- they did meet up at midnight writing a letter for there love one-
~on dream letter
Dear mother i'm sorry but... i will go with someone... i'm sorry on leaving so shuddenly.... i love him and i.... i'm pregnant with his child i don't wanna leave him so i'll go with him goodbye mother...
- her mother had only seen it on morning now lets go into wilbur.-
Wilbur: there it should be enough.
Techno- got inside without knocking: what are you doing wil?
Wilbur: oh! Sh*t - run into the window- bye!
Fundy: what's going on?
Techno: go and call dad.
- fundy go ahead to all philza a few min they both got to wilbur room to see techno reading something-
Phil: what happen?
Techno: wil run away with a girl.
Phil: what?
Techno: here i'll read it.
~ what's in the letter
Dear father and brothers if you are reading this then i'm sorry but i wanna... take responsibility on my pregnant girlfriend... i'm sorry i didn't tell you guys sooner and don't try to find us well i might come back when i can face you... but i'm still thinking if what i'm doning is right... i love you all until we met again.
Phil: hmm then don't let him realize his mistake.
Techno and fundy: okay.....
- wilbur and dream had meet up dream was the first one who got there... they decided that before the sunrise they would start to go and they did they travel for five days they no... wilbur build a house while dream was the one who makes food and making trade into small town that they got into... when puffy find out she and schlatt had a fight and they have broke up schlatt had gotten with quackity while puffy is the same she had gotten into someone... wilbur and dream had live there for 3 years why? Because puffy had found dream alone in the small town she notice puffy and had thought that she will be force to come with her making dream written a letter to wilbur saying she had found her mother around the small town and she might get taken away if she did and she didn't come back for 3 months he can go back to his father.....-
1102 words lol i didn't think that it be that much but okay and i actually don't have anything in mind at all just type it all so if it actually didn't make sense oh well and if it did then good for you....
Well then have a nice day. And good morning, after nood, and night where ever you are just know you are loved no need to be hard on yourself and all <<33~~

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