"he's your dad...?"

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No ship (lol)

Type: fluff, against uhhh

Tw⚠️⚠️: kidnapping, blood, and torture

Summary: ??? had a child  15 years ago along with his friend ??? And ??? As ??? Wss on the 2nd child but the other two only had their 1st child ??? And ??? Are childhood friends as ??? Watch the other having  child  ??? Was his child his very 1st child  while he grow into a young man and had his child on his mid 20 while ??? Had his first  child on the age of 35 by an accident the mother  left he had no experience with child so he run to his friend for help to find out that the other had a 2nd child the moment he got there to ask for help....


-15 years ago-

-??? Pov-
As i woke up from the hangover... what i saw was shocking.... i don't really  remember  what had happened... right i was drunk by my best friend  child wedding i saw a woman  woke up i was sitting still  processing what had happened... "i... no this can't  be.... happening..." the woman  said... "what's wrong?" I said as my monotone is a little  deeper than nomal "I'm... lesbian.."the woman said as she look down... "... if it turns out you're pregnant keep it... I'll  take care of it..." i said as the woman look at me "are you sure?" The woman said "yes" i said as i rethink if it was the right  thing to do...
-3rd person pov-

The woman hmm let's name her jane she had cary the baby and after  leave immediately without hesitation it was a beautiful girl name Alexandra blade a pinkish skin tone  a beautiful pink hair  and a beautiful  green  eyes  with a freckles in her face ??? Came to his friend  to ask for help since ??? Had absolutely no knowledge about  child the thing he hated the most but Alexandra is a bit different  if i say so doesn't cry normally a bit quiet than normal child so ??? Decided  that he would go to his friend  to ask for help.... when he got there he knocked  at the door  "it's  me..." ??? Said as ??? Open the door  "... techno? what are you doing here?" ??? Said "look phil i need help" techno said  as he look at phil with a tearing eye "i.... okay come in but we also have a problem" phil said as he let techno  in... as techno  come in he saw two baby in a wooden crib  that's  old as techno  look back another voice came "... she run away with her new lover"
??? Said "wilbur... phil what happened?" Techno ask ".... Cristin had to go back... but before leaving... that happened... his name is tommy" phil said ".... after the the 9 months  she had given birth she run away with her lover...his name is fundy.... i don't know what to do techno" wilbur said tears running  down as he is huging phil to comfort "i also have.... somewhat  similar situation" techno took off the cape he had that showed  the baby in his back that look like sleeping ".... her name is Alexander it was right after  the wedding... an accident  if you will" the two look at each other "how about phil look at the children  while techno and i workers...?" Wilbur suggested "sure and i will make a house  close  by" techno  agreed "sure I'll  try to keep 3 child  in line "phil said as he knows the other two knows nothing  about  children and it will be a bad idea  "you don't really need to look at Alexandra because  she not really loud like others" techno said as phil look at the children.
After 4 years nothing that much happened  but... their life turn upside down soon after  Alexandra was missing after trying  to find her like 3 months  without  any  news they give up techno  took it the worst  well his the father after all who wouldn't take it worse than the parents that loved their child which is that very  moment he hated more children.....


-back  to present-

"Techno what are you doing?" A voice  of an child came "... non of your business  tommy" techno said as he is planing  potatoes "man your no fun" Tommy  said as he almost  stepped  on a potato "tommy stop annoying  techno in the morning"  a voice  of another person  can be heard "phil^,^ good morning  to you too" tommy said as he walk towards  him "so why are you not with wilbur?" Phil ask "ohh he is getting  resources for l'manburg" tommy said as he sit on the bench "oh yeah how is the smp? Anything  new?" Phil ask "nothing  much just dream being  a di*k as always " Tommy  said "hmm..." techno said as a Humm that he is listening  "phil can you tell me a fun fact at techno!" Tommy said as he wanted  to know more about  techno "we grew  up together he is at the wedding  of your brother he help me look after  you hmm his my best friend" phil said "but! I already  know that =,= i want something  new!" Tommy said "... i had a child" techno said as he walk away "... wai- WHAT!!!!!" tommy look at phil "why didn't  i know??" Tommy asked phil "... she was missing 15 years ago we never  had found  her... so we thought  for the worst but never  actually  found the body there  are 40% that she's  alive  and 60% that she's  dead..." phil said a bit sad he had a connection  in that child the most (favorite;) as tommy  knew that maybe  there's  a chance that the child  is alive  he was on a mission  to look for her but tommy never  had a cue on where or alive or dead ....

-tommy pov-

I admit i still  can't .... where and how could it be.... !!! Maybe she was kidnapped but who could  do that?.... hmmm as i think more deeply  i didn't  notice  that dream  his here "TOMMY!!!" dream said as i snap out of my thoughts "huh?" I said as i look at him "what are you thinking  that you never  responded  tubbo  had been here trying  to talk to you what could  you be thinking  to do this" dream said as he look at me weirdly  "*sign* i found out today that techno  had a child and i wanted  to know if she's  alive  or not because  she's  missing i wanted to help..." as i said that i saw dream flinch? Hmm maybe  it's  nothing...

-tubbo pov-

Huh techno has a child? Hmmm but she's  missing? Wait a she? Hmm weird i feel like i know something  but ehh

-dream pov-

.... does  he still remember  me? It's  been long... i didn't  know that tommy  doesn't  remember  it... we play all the time with fundy... i know fundy remember  but not the voice .... i can't  telll yet.... mother would be mad.... at me I'm  still not strong  enough.... with all of this .... i need to remove this shock collar... i miss papa... i still remember  what happened  clearly...

-3rd person pov-

After  dream play in the grass a woman came up and pick her up and bring her into a house that look like for a rich people  "here is your granddaughter  father" the woman said to a man "a piglin  hybrid!! Unacceptable a disgrace to our family  line!!!!" The old woman said "luck them both!" As the man came and imprisoned them both " you this is your fault you useless child!" As the woman hit dream multiple  times a gard came and take the child away and run away he had left the child on the forest nearby a merchant came and found her unlucky right? The merchant took it too far a shock collar was on her neck and had to act like a man. For 10 years....
-back to present-

I still remember it clear like it was yesterday  but ⟟ ⊑⍜⌿⟒ ⊬⍜⎍ ⌇⏁⟟⌰⌰ ⍀⟒⋔⟒⋔⏚⟒⍀ ⋔⟒ ⎎⏃⏁⊑⟒⍀ :) I'll be sad if you don't... you'll know soon...






To be continue:)
1333 words

Lol i though I'm not gonna update. i been pretty busy(i only had a little  free time to do this lol)
is it good tho? 

I just had to do this i though of something happened then this came I'll try to make part 2 past =,=

Uhhh i almost give up this story since i been losing interest but the story that i  followed bottom dream story some stop so i decided to continue for the others i guess.

*there is no piece forever war is bound to happen sooner or  later.

                                          You're  writer:)*

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