"But i'm a child?"

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No ship
Type: i honestly have no idea

Summary: dream is the youngest of all of them.. everyone didn't know well not tommy he had find out by accident now how would they react when they find out dream is even younger than tommy?


-3rd person pov-

Dream had been a fast learner, and his growth is fast too than normal when he was 10 he already so tall that you might think he was 18 but no he wasn't  what made it worse is that his adopted parents thought he was older too.. when he was 15 his adopted  thought he was 20 behind his mask you can see how young he truely is it's just his hight that was a bit off...

"Tommy you need to stop getting into war your still young and you might die" bad said as the others agree while dream is stopping his tears to run down while thinking "i'm also a child... what about me?" Because of something happen in the fast he was afraid to tell how he felt that also why he had put on a smiley mask so no one can see his face, his emotion... soon dream can't take it anymore so he was about to leave until "dream you need to stop fighting and creating war with the minor your old enough your being childish" as george said while dream is trying to stop his tears "yeah..." dream said as he walk away as other started to talk to tommy while tommy is just annoyed by them and just run away from them...

-Tommy pov-   

I was annoyed to them saying i should stop on going into a war and such but i don't care soon i walk into a tree i saw dream walking as i was about to call him i saw him take off his mask i was shock by the fact that he even looks younger to me and soon i notice that he had cried ... soon i came out "dream..." as i said he look at me and afraid and soon started to panic that his mask was off "i wouldn't.. tell anyone but how old are you?..." i ask as dream started to calm down a little "... 1-16... i-i just turn-n sixteen..." dream said as a little more tears drop as i think... i was older to him? I don't know how i should feel...

-Dream pov-

As i walk i saw no one i... started to take my mask off soon i heard "dream..." as i turn around i saw tommy i started to panic that i remember that i took my mask off until he said "i wouldn't.. tell anyone but how old are you?..." he ask "...1-16 i-i just turn-n sixteen" i stutter a bit as i trying to calm down soon he became silent i started to worry if i say something wrong until " so you are younger than me?..." he ask as i slowly nod "why didn't you tell anyone?" He said "i-i..." as i feel a panic attack getting into me remembering one time i told someone... as i fell on my knees and me holding my head....

-Tommy pov-

I ask "why didn't you tell anyone?" I saw him having a panic attack i don't know what to do soon he fell on his knees and hands on his head i run towards him and hug him i feel water on my shoulder i soon full us apart and i saw him cry "you don't need to tell me right now but i can always listen" i said as i saw him giving me a sad smile "i-i ca-n tell-l you b-but promise me you will not tell anyone okay?" He said as he try not to stutter "okay..." i said as we walk into a tree soon he start telling me the story.


-3rd person pov-

Dream was 9 his friend maria ask him "so how old are you?".... "i'm 9 how about you?" Dream said with a smile "No! Way your lying!" Maria said as he run and tell everyone he gets bullied because of it everyone said "lier, monster, freak, etc..." because of that he had a phobia called "alethophobia" means a fear or dislike of thetruth; an unwillingness to come to terms with truth or facts and "gerascophobia" an abnormal and persistent fear of growing old.... and suffers of geascophobia feel undue anxiety about aging even thought they may be in good health he also got scopophobia, scoptophobia or ophthalmophobia it is an anxiety disorder characterized by a morbid fear of being seen in public or stared by others.... that's also why dream don't like it when someone is behind him...

-Tommy pov-

I didn't know he felt that way i mean he wear a mask you can never tell how he felt... "go ahead and cry i will be here for you" i said as he cried and hug me soon he fall asleep i bring him in my house i laid him down...

-3rd person pov-

After a month others find it odd that dream had been oddly close with tommy and they are not fighting that much and tommy over protective of dream... a week after dream had a fight on quackity...

-Dream pov-

"(Fighting dream by saying mean stuff to him)" quackity said soon tommy had join but only to be push by quackity "YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE ACTING LIKE A CHILD DREAM!!" quackity yell others starting to look at us.... i snap i pull my mask off tears running on my face "MAYBE BECAUSE I AM A FU*KING CHILD AND WHAT ARE YOU" as i look at him the hood of my sweater had fallen by the strong wind as the others was shock on seeing my face i soon started to cry more as i felt more eyes on me i can't stand it as i look at tommy and hug him hiding my face as he started to comfort  me...

-3rd person pov-

Others was shock at the sudden out burst of dream while they started to remember on how they have said to dream that he is old and should stop messing with the minor as techno ask "how old are you?"... tommy answer "his 16... fu*king sixteen... he just turn sixteen so no need to be rude" tommy had said a bit pissed off by the others..
"What?...." puffy had said as she was the one who adopted dream she didn't know and felt guilty about it everyone had said sorry but dream would only hung out with the sbi family as tommy was there they became like a brothers tommy as the older one while dream as the younger brother each was protective of each other not wanting to hurt the one and other....


1159 words
I loved it at first i loss motivation at the very end but i hope you liked it i only saw a few of this like dream is the youngest of everyone...

Just know you are loved... have a good day...  good morning, after noon or night <33~

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