"but I'm dead?"

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??? x dream

Type: angst

Minecaft au

Summary :....dream  died in prison


-3rd person pov-

Dream has been in prison  for months  his lover's had missed him so much but can't  bring  themselves to the prison as they were also the one that put him into a hell hole

Months years past by sam didn't  usually come to prison as only dream in there and they have a mechanism that bring food  towards dream cell but the sad part is it stop making dream died in hunger and thirst as he had wished  that he didn't make the contract with the devil just for the love he wishes  for a long  time

-Back where dream is dying-

-Dream pov-

Is this the end.... what was it all for? When I'm  only left in the dark with no one to help me...i just no that was my mistake in the first place i shouldn't have done that... as i walk to the chest writhing my mistake... my regret that i put upon myself 

In the letters

To my lovers

I'm so sorry for what i have done
If it wasn't for me you two
Would still be sane
So forget me
Forget this love that is deranged
And useless
And maybe  that's where you'll  find
Someone that deserves you the most.

Sincerely to your past lover..

To my friends that i failed to keep

I apologize for all of my mistakes
Due to me being  prideful
I make mistakes  that i didn't  mean to
I.. apologize that i hurt u instead
Of taking care of you
I apologize for i being prideful that i didn't see myself turning to something that i hate the most
My lovely friends i wish to see you in my next life perhaps that's  where i will
learn to trust you again
I hope that you'll be healthy in all of the years that may come as i cannot look at those years with you anymore

Sincerely your friend

To my best friends

I may not be the best of all but i feel that i need to protect you but i failed so i apologize i admit i think of you as a family ... a family  that i failed to protect due to me being prideful trying to protect something especially that you are capable of protecting yourself but i force myself to protect you as I'm  afraid  that you'll  be hurt
As i know very well of how it felt even so i apologize that i hurt you even though i was supposed to protect you
In the end i still think of you as a family  even if i say that i couldn't careless  about you 'cause I'm  afraid  someone will you that if they know it was one of my weaknesses 
So in the next life we may meet again  as a new person that have no history together
Until then my friend.

Sincerely your friend

-3rd person pov-

As dream wrote everything tears on the paper but a warm smile tha is saying he want to rest soon closing  his eyes with teh last tears falling  down his friends  not knowing  any of this happening as they are only enjoying themselves the one person whose been protecting them from a far  has finally has rest without them knowing

Day by day... weeks by weeks and years fast by still no one knows what happened to the one whose protecting them until that is his ghost finally arrived not with a smile but with a sad face that looked like you really  forgot about me ghostdre looking at the smp he had built he remembered  everything his friends are having fun while his lover quackity  and wilbur are totally different from the past

Quackity being loving  and caring  turned into a workaholic as well as having an addiction into gambling while wilbur whose like a child  with a bright smile who always sing a song for his lovers now whose always drank and sane the warm smile that had faded away

At dawn ghostdre goes walks in front of wilbur  who's been drinking for the last 5 hours  "your drunk  i think you should  stop" ghostdre  said as wilbur  look at him in disbelieve  "dream ? Where have you been??!!" Wilbur  said as he is now balling in tears "..." ghostdre stayed silent for sometime until wilbur  trying to hold him "but i been dead?" Ghostdre answered as he disappeared because of someone coming

"Wilbur you should get inside " foolish said as he took the bottle of wine on the ground "okay..." wil said as he walks inside

Ghostdre goes into quackity office "you should  rest now" he says as quackity  looks at where the voice came from as he was about  to hold him "i been dead quackity " and soon disappearing

The very  next day quackity find wilbur  as both of them is going  into the prison  only to see how bad it is moss is around and it is dusty

They got around  the prison only to see dream decomposing body and the letters  reading them as tears slowly falls down regardless they took the body out as others  wonder who it was only to them looking  away crying  of knowing who it is

They let dream rest only for ghostdre  to appear in front of them "now now don't cry I'll  always  be here for you okay"  ghostdre  saying as his body becoming more transparent  he soon smiled with happiness  that now his body can finally rest in peace

"..... that's why you must never  do something  you will regret  okay?" Tubbo said to Michael  "okay!" He said as the others smiled  looking at the sky  "he is now resting and i know  his happy there" quackity  said as he smile with sadness still  regretting  not saving  his lover "...." others only smiled the same as they look at the sky "even  so such lovely day today for us to get gloomy" bad say as others look at him with a smile

The end
1015 words

Soorry i been busy lately i failed  one of my subject so i have been studying for it is it alright if i do a manatreed x dream? Cause  i will

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