Chapter 12

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Brynn’s POV:

I sat on my bed and let the cucumber melon face mask set on my face, relishing the images of everyone’s faces when they saw me. There was a soft tap on my door and then Landon’s head peeked in.

“Hey—Ah! What the hell is on your face?!” I laughed, his face was priceless.

“It’s a facial mask; I need a little help when it comes to beauty. I wish I had Roxie’s complexion, totally flawless.”

“I think you look amazing, just the way you are.”

“Thank you, Bruno Mars. Do you want to go catch a grenade for me?”

Landon laughed, “That guy is a total pansy.”

“Yes, he is.” We sat in silence for a while and I felt my mask starting to harden.

“When do you take that crap off your face? What does it even do?” He touched my face and examined the cream on his hand.

“You are so weird. I’ll take it off in a few minutes, and it eliminates blackheads and zits, cleans out my pores. I have to stay pretty for you boys.” I winked at him and he smiled.

“So much work. That sucks.” Landon murmured, he grabbed my television remote and started flipping through the channels, “What are we watching, babe?”

Landon had taken to calling me ‘Babe’, mostly to piss of Payton and the other half was because he really liked calling me that. And I didn’t mind a bit.

“Whatever you want to watch.”

He turned on Criminal Minds and we watched for a while in complete comfortable silence. It was nice having him here, he listened to me, he never judged me, he comforted me and he was the sweetest guy. Well, besides Carter, but he was more like a brother.

“Can I ask you a huge favor?” Landon’s voice startled me and I jumped, “Sorry.”

“It’s okay, what do you need?”

“I need someone to be a model for me. I have a bunch of photography projects coming up and I need someone to model. Please say you’ll do it.”

I shrugged, “Sure. Just don’t make me look ugly.”

“I couldn’t even if I tried.”


Landon’s POV:

It was already 9:30 and the party had started at 7. I slipped on a dark blue v- neck tight shirt and some dark jeans and ruffled my hair and slid on my black vans. I double checked myself in the mirror and smiled. I looked good. I slid out of my room and went to Brynn’s and Roxie’s room.

I knocked, “Come in!” Roxie said from behind the door.

I entered and stopped. And there Brynn stood, clad in a short and extremely tight black dress that stopped mid thigh. The back was open revealing the fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra. Her hair was pulled into a side pony tail and curled down. She dressed to kill.

“Hey! Her eyes are up here!” Roxie shouted getting my attention.

“Babe, you look hot. Not that you normally don’t but you look…Wow.”

Brynn smiled, almost seductively before walking over to me and planting a kiss on my cheek. I took a deep breath in and tried to control the hormones that were making me almost hard in the two seconds I saw her.

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