Chapter 6

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Brynn’s POV:

Somehow I ended up in Payton’s room after that agonizingly horrible conversation with my sister. I managed to convince her to talk to Philip, figure out what they were going to do. I was glad I got that over with but nowI was pissed off that I couldn’t even leave because of stupid Payton and now I’m seriously stressed out.

I laid back and let out a loud sigh. “You know, it’s a lot less painless than you’re making it.” Payton said, laying a kiss on my neck.

I pushed his head away from me, that pushy, arrogant jerk. I’d show him what’s painless. “You need to stop this touchy thing you keep doing. I’ve known you for a day and a half. You already kissed me and I didn’t like that.” I shifted on the bed so I was farther away from him. “Liar.” I glared at him and lay back on the bed.

“Why can’t you just accept getting married to me? I mean, damn, I’m not that horrible.” I laughed and he pushed me off the bed. “Ouch, dickhead.” I said rubbing my knee. “I was going to offer you my nice comfy bed, but now you can sleep on the floor.” “Or I can leave.” “And I’ll tell everyone where you were and what you plan to do this week.”

I glared at him, “You have no idea what I’m planning to do this week.” Payton smiled, “You are the worst liar. I know you’re gonna have Carter come over. It’s not that hard to tell.” I let out a silent sigh of relief; he didn’t know that it was reallyRonan. For a second I thought I was caught. “Okay, fine. I’ll be nice and deal with this unacceptable living arrangement and you don’t tell anyone anything.”

“Fine.” I got back up on his bed and got comfortable. “Are you excited to meet my family?” Payton asked after a while. “Yeah, I hope they’re not dysfunctional…like mine.” I laughed. Payton got quite. “What? Did I say something wrong?” Payton smiled, yet it didn’t reach his eyes. “No sorry I got caught up in a thought. They aren’t dysfunctional.”

I smiled, “Okay.” “I have to get some sleep tonight because unlike you, I have to get up to go to school. So go to sleep.” Payton said hitting me with a pillow and turning off the light. “Look, all this abuse is gonna end up with someone in the hospital…and it’s not gonna be me.” I mumbled covering myself with his blanket. He laughed and wrapped his arms around me, this time I didn’t fight him off. One, it was pointless, and two, I actually liked being in his arms.


The week went by quick and hectic. Roxie was starting to show signs of being pregnant. Not anything visible but I could tell because she had told me. And surprise, surprise! Philip is actually happy that she’s pregnant…which is weird, but she’s happy so I must be happy for her. They’re still deciding whether or not they’re gonna keep it. Payton had extended the blackmail and now I was sleeping in his room for a few weeks to get “use to” the idea of us sharing a bed together after we’re married and Ronan and Ihadn'tspoken since I last saw him. I was at my wits end.

Payton’s alarm went off and I nearly jumped out of bed. I heard him sigh and he snuggled closer to me. This guy was going to drive me crazy. He was arrogant, cocky, and rude, a total jerk and he was so conceited, yet, I felt like I was starting to fall for him. I groaned and shook him awake “Get up; you have to get to class.” I said, still tired. “Yeah, I’m up.” He muttered getting up and heading to the shower. I closed my eyes and lay back in his soft bed.

By the time he got out the shower and was dressed I was half asleep again, but hearing the sound of the door I sat up again. “Hi.” I said pushing my messy blonde hair out of my face. “You look like you need coffee.” Payton said grabbing my bag. “Nope, I’m gonna go back to sleep.” He stared at me, “And you’re gonna stay in my bed?” “Yep, why move when I’m already comfy and warm in it. That would be pointless.”

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