Chapter 1

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Brynn's POV:

"Brynn! I'm leaving for school now. Get a ride with Bentley. "Roxanne shouted from downstairs. I slid on my pink converse and smiled at my reflection, "Yeah, sure." I said checking my outfit one more time and coming down the stairs. "You can't go to school looking like that." Roxanne said nearly choking on her vitamin water. "I think she looks fine." My dad said pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"She looks like a slut. I can't have her going to school like that. I'm running for class president."

"It's not like you're not going to win. And you shouldn't say that about Brynn, she doesn't look like a slut. You, you could do with buttoning up a few buttons." Bentley said out of nowhere. Roxanne glared at him and stormed out of the house. Roxanne was older than me by a year, Bentley is her twin. He's older than her by five minutes and never lets her live it down.

They look exactly the same besides the boy/ girl thing and they are polar opposites. Bentley and I are more alike. We love parties and hanging out with friends. Living for the moment and the now instead of planning the future. Roxanne loves to plan, she is constantly in the house studying or creating another goals list. And it bugs the shit outta me because she has a list for me.

"Come on, let's go. We're gonna be late." Bentley said grabbing his keys and heading out. I followed him out, "Brynn! Come home on time, we have a surprise for you!" My mom called from the door before I got in Bentley's 2010 yellow with black racing stripes Ferrari Spider. "Okay." Bentley was smirking when I got it.

"What's that smile for asshole?" Everyone knew I hated surprises. Either they we're embarrassing, mean, or just horrible. "No reason." He grinned. I glared at him. He knew what was going on and I would get it out of him either way.

"Fine, don't tell me. But, you will regret it." Bentley looked at me then busted out laughing. I let him; let's see who's laughing when I destroy his Xbox.

When Bentley pulled into the parking lot at school, I nearly sprinted out of the car to my friends. "Wow, cute outfit. I bet Roxie had a cow." Jenna said smiling at me. "She did." I rolled my eyes. "She told my dad that I looked like a slut. He of course didn't even listen to her. Which pissed her off even more. Then Bentley told her that she should close a few buttons because her cleavage was hanging out.

Kourtney laughed, "You're brother is so awesome." "Not as awesome as me." Logan said kissing her cheek. "Well, this is new." I said looking them over. "When did this happen?" Kourtney blushed, "Monday." "And you didn't tell us!?" Joelle demanded.

"I didn't want you guys freaking out like you are now!" The bell rang signaling for us to get to class. "We will discuss this later. Wait, where is Carter?" I asked as we walked to class. Carter has been my best friend since we were two. He was the only one I could pour my heart out to without it getting awkward. We shared everything with each other. We were practically inseparable.

"He said he'd be late. His brother got back from college and he has to get some things around" Keegan said as he looked at his phone. "Ronan's back?!" I asked excitedly. Ronan is the love of my life. All 6'3 of him, his jet black hair, sexy smile, and killer eight pack. I really wanted to jump on him every time I saw him. And from what I've heard from Carter, he likes me too.

"Yeah, he got back from Connecticut last night." "I'm really glad that I got a text." I said pouting when I realized that Carter hadn't told me anything. "Sorry." Keegan said shrugging. I sighed, "No use crying over spilt milk. See you guys at lunch." I said walking into my English class.

By the time gym rolled around Carter was finally in school. "Hey!" He said jogging over to me. Still mad at him, I walked away. Carter grabbed my hand, "Okay, Keegan told me you were upset. Look, I know I should have told you but I know you. You can't mess with Ronan; you're just getting over Jake. Ronan is worse that Jake, and I'm not saying this because he's my brother. I'm saying it because I love you and you're my best friend. I don't wanna see you hurt like you were when that Jake thing happened."

"You play dirty." I said frowning. He always pulls the "looking out for you" card and it works because I hate feeling guilty. "I do what I can. But I am serious about Ronan. I trust you, so don't do anything stupid. I know he likes you still but just promise me...nothing stupid." "Who are you? My brother? Ugh! Fine, I won't mess with Ronan. But since I can't mess around with him can I at least flirt?" I asked. "No." "Fine. I won't." I lie.

"Liar." I stuck my tongue out at him and he smiled and ruffled my hair. "HEY! I spent a half hour getting my hair perfect!" I said shoving him. "Really? Cause it didn't look all that good." I punched him hard in the stomach. "I was kidding." He groaned, doubled over in pain.

"That was a mean joke." I walked away from him smiling. Carter was also over-protective; I knew I could handle myself when it came to guys. Jake was just a HUGE mistake. Ronan wouldn't be. He liked me, I liked him. I don't see a problem anywhere. Maybe age difference but that's about it. School went by pretty quickly now that I knew that I had a surprise at home as well as the love of my life being back from college.

Bentley met me at my locker, "So, ready to go?" He asked smirking. I glared at him; I was two seconds from hurting something he cared for very much. In his case, his Xbox. "I'm getting a ride with Carter. I'll be home in a half hour." I said walking away. "Mom is gonna be pissed!"

"Let's go." Carter said hopping in his black Audi 2010 A8. I got in on the other side and we took off to his house. "Just remember what I said earlier, okay?" I rolled my eyes, "Yes, dad!" Carter laughed and we finally pulled into his driveway. I nearly sprinted inside past Dante, their butler. He has been their butler since Carter and I were born. He basically raised us both. "Hello, Ms. Montgomery." "Hi, Dante. How have you been?" "The usual, busy keeping up with Mr. Rivers." He shrugged. I smiled and looked past him. "He's in the pool." Dante said, knowingly.

"Thanks." I walked slowly to their back patio and saw him. Ronan was doing laps, his muscular arms slicing through the water. It took all that I could do not to drool. As if he heard me say his name he looked up at me and smiled. "Brynn," He said getting out of the pool. My mouth went dry and I was lost for words as he climbed up the side of the pool, water dripping off his chiseled AB's. "Hey Ronan." I finally managed to get out.

I watched as he gazed at my body, staring at my legs and breasts for a bit too long. Not that I was complaining. "You've grown up." He finally said,smiling. Oh yes, yes I had.  


It's new. I don't know if you guys will like it. Just comment on it and tell me what you think.

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