Chapter 7

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Brynn’s POV:

It was almost two thirty when we decided to actually do something instead of lying in his bed all day like I suggested.

“So, do you mind if we go to Gino’s?” Ronan asked he handed me a helmet.

“I’ve never been there; I’d love to go there. I’ve been begging Carter to come with me but he never wants to, and I didn’t want to go alone.”

“Now you don’t have to.” Ronan leaned down and kissed me quick and slid on his helmet.

When we got to Gino’s I was thoroughly impressed, it was fancy, yet casual. The atmosphere was sincere, quite, and very romantic and there was a beautiful balcony overlooking the beach.  Ronan had reserved a table there and we enjoyed a lovely lunch, on the balcony.

“Thank you, for all of this. It was sweet.” Ronan smiled and kissed my hand.

“Anything for you, you’re my girl now. And you deserve the best.” I smiled and my heart melted a little bit. Ronan was actually trying to be sweet; unlike with his ex’s he was never this sweet.

My phone went off and it was Payton. SHIT!

Payton: *Hey, I got out early. I’m on my way to help you pack for our little vacation.*

I gagged slightly, Ronan must have noticed because panic flashed across his face, “Are you okay?” He demanded coming to my side.

“I’m fine,” I laughed lightly and tried hard to make him believe me. “I just forgot what time it was and that I’m supposed to be going to Texas today. And I’m running very late.”

Ronan tipped his head a little, analyzing my face. “I’ll give you a ride. Go outside, I’ll pay for this.”

I went to his bike and he was out in a matter of seconds. The ride to my house was fast and we didn’t really talk much. “Thank you, for today. I really enjoyed it…a lot.” I smiled, as he walked me to the door.

“Anything for you.” Ronan said as he leaned down to brush my hair behind my ear. I smiled as his hand cupped my cheek and he kissed me gently, his hands slid down to my waist and my arms went around his neck. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach and we pulled away breathless and smiling.

“Can I call or text you?” Ronan asked, his arms still wrapped around my waist.

 I kissed his exposed neck, “I’ll call and text you. You know, I’ll be thinking about you the whole time I’m gone. But I’ve gotta pack. I’ll call you when I get there.”

“Sounds great.” Ronan leaned down and kissed me one more time and jogged to his bike.

 I touched my lips where his one were and held my hand there as I watched him jumped on his motorcycle and sped off. I walked inside humming, and went to pack.

Payton’s POV:

My hands gripped the steering wheel tight, my knuckles nearly Casper white. My hand twitched as I watch that douche kiss MY fiancée. My. Fucking. Fiancée. I watched as they parted and he got on his motorcycle and left. I waited a while before pulling in the driveway.

I was angry, no, beyond angry. And yet I couldn’t bring myself to want to yell at her for cheating on me with that dick. I walked inside and upstairs quietly and I watched as she hummed quietly to herself as she packed. She was smiling stupidly and I was angry that I didn’t put that smile there.

“Holy shit, Payton! You scared me! How long have you been standing there?” Brynn asked as she held her chest, finally snapping me out of my trance also.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” I mumbled going across her room, “Are you almost packed? Our flight leaves at 5 and its already 4pm.”

Brynn cocked her head to the side, confused by my tone, and I ignored her penetrating glare. “Yeah, I just need to pack a few more things and then we can go…are you all packed?”

“Yes.” I said curtly, and turned to walk out of the room then I remembered the ring. “Here” I tossed the box into her suitcase and walked out of the room. I threw the first thing my hands touched in my suitcase and brought my bags to the door. Brynn was taking way to long to pack when we were only going to be gone until Monday night. I tapped my foot impatiently. What the fuck was taking so long?

“Are you ready?” She asked walking down the stairs and I nearly stopped breathing. She had changed into a skin tight white dress that stopped mid- thigh and was wearing some kind of stiletto’s.  I took a deep breath. This was going to be an extremely long trip.

Brynn’s POV:

“Here” Payton said throwing a box at me and leaving before I could even protest. I opened the box and there sat a 14 karat white gold diamond ring. If I was speechless to the fact that he threw my engagement ring at me, even though I didn’t want anything from the jerk, the fact that it was this beautiful took my breath away.

I knew he was in a bad mood the minute he walked into the room. I had no clue what crawled up his ass and died and I wasn’t about to find out. All I needed to do was make this look convincing for his family and give him back this obnoxious ring as soon as we got back.

“Stupid asshole jerk face.” I muttered, changing into a short white dress and black platform pumps. I looked myself over in the mirror and smiled, “Eat your heart out, Payton.”

I walked downstairs with my suitcase and vamped it up a little. “Are you ready?” I asked in my most sex-kittenish voice I could possibly manage. It must have worked.

I watched, with great satisfaction, as Payton’s eyes nearly bugged out of his face. Before I could even blink he was back to looking stoic. He watched my every move as I walked downstairs and set my bags next to him.

“Let’s go. We have a flight to catch.” He said, more like growled, to me.

Good thing my Dad made me take acting classes a long time ago. I would need it to play this part, and I’d have to be convincing. Payton snatched my bags up and stormed off to his car. I had about had it with his baby attitude. There was no way in hell I was going to put up with that for almost four hours.

“Look, I don’t know what crawled up your ass and died, but I really don’t give a shit. So drop the attitude. I’m going to play ‘Little-Ms. - Perfect’ and I won’t mess up in front of your family.” Payton just stared at me as I ripped into him.

“Plus,” I said in a southern accent. “I can be a southern belle if I wanted to. So suck it up and deal with it.”

Payton glared at me as we pulled out of the driveway and headed to the airport. “You are going to drive me to drink.” He mumbled.

“I plan on it.” I smiled sweetly. Oh, this was going to prove one entertaining trip. I hope he liked games, because at this point, I’m full of them.


I hope you like this chapter. I know its short but there will be more in the next chapter. I promise. Please keep reading and comment and vote. I have no idea if the picture worked but there should be a picture of the engagement ring on the side, the one Payton threw at her. :D

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