Chapter 2

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Chanel's POV 

I was so suprised what Anya did back there I don't know she's just not that type of person I honestly thought she was gonna fuck up back there. "Alright you ready" I said breaking our silence because after we got in we seemed to just...stand there in silence and stare at them. We soon started to walk over towards them. Right when we walked up Cash, Lamar, Tyler, Frank, Abel, and Gambino all stopped talking and looked me and Anya up and down. Anya was so afraid she almost turned around she really doesn't like when people stare at her and I pulled her back to face towards them. 

"Hey ladies" tyler said trynna be cute. I mean tyler's ok and everything but I don't have a thing for him anymore so I kind of just said hey and shook him off. Gambino was starin' at me so hard I almost fainted HE'S SO FUCKING CUTE. Instead of reacting the way I did in my head I just glanced at him bit my lip and did a shy wave. I could tell Anya was staring at something so I followed her gaze and noticed she was staring at some groupie hugged up on Abel. I hit her arm and got her attention and gave her the look, like bitch you got 5 fuckin' seconds to make a move before I pop that bitch and do it for you. She caught on and did a realisticly fake sneeze.

"Bless you baby girl" Abel said ignoring his groupie. I could tell the groupie got pissed off when she blew hard and walked off. Anya just bit her lip and replied with a quick "thank you" and Abel replied "No problem" but he kept staring at her and spoke again " You want a drink" and nodded his head towards the bar "Sure" Anya said walking towards him. When I finally zoned back in from what was happening Gambino grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the bar. I was happy he did but then I thought about my baby Drew. SHIT!

I was guessing Gambino caught on to my worried look because he l kind of grabbed my hand when we were sitting at the bar and asked if I was ok I just shook off my thoughts and told him I was fine. "Come on I wanna show you something" he said pulling me towards the door. When we left I gave Anya this quick pat letting her know I was leaving. I mean I can't belive it I'M going somewhere with Childish Gambino. When we got outside we had to wait a while so someone could pull Gambino's car up. But when the driver got in the car Gambino told him to get out and he was gonna drive. Gambino opened the door for me gesturing towards the inside signaling to get in and I did. He closed the door ran over to the other side and got in.

When he started driving I got the Aux Cord and we listened to some of his and Abel's music and Abel's What You Need came on and I sung the whole way through it and the same with Or Nah and Sweatpants.

"You really love me and Abel's music don't you" he said chuckling.

"Yes nigg-" I caught myself "Sorry I didn't mean to call you a nigga I say that way to often and it just slipped" I said quickly.

He grabbed my chin with his right hand and lifted it up so that my face could meet with his eyes " It's okay nigga" he said softly while laughing. I playfully pushed his hands away laughing.

We finally stopped somewhere, It was a house his house. "Me and Abel just rented it out cause were gonna be in town for a while" he explained "Oh, well cool" I replied examining how big the house was. We went inside after I gazed for a while and he went to the kitchen and got some wine and then we went upstairs. "Why'd you get this with so many rooms" I questioned "Well we gotta have room for the crew right?" he said laughing "Well these to rooms are the only girl rooms" he said showing me two rooms straight across from each other. "Why are they the girl rooms though" I asked "Because we put girls clothes in there" he replied "Well, may I" I asked "Yeah, why not" he said nodding towards the door.

It's beautiful in here and it smells good. There were some clothes in the closet and I couldn't resist trying on the only guy cut shirt in the closet it was pretty big and it had Gambino written across it. Since I don't mind getting undressed in front of people and this is Gambino's house so I can't shut the door on him. I slowly took off my shirt facing the closet and then my pants then I put on the shirt and put my hair up with a hair tie on my wrist.

Gambino's eyes got big when he looked me up and down. He walked in and pulled me farther upstairs, and there was his room it even had his name on the door. He pulled me into the room and poored some wine into the cups that were already in there. I sat down on the bed and took a sip. Gambino sat next to me and I took of my heels. I was looking down at my wine when Gambino touched my thigh with his right hand and lifted my chin whit his left and kissed me. Then his phone rang we both looked at it Stacy have to admit I was a little bothered that some bitch was calling him but he wasn't mine.

But my anger faded away when he ignored her call and resumed kissing me. Then he took off his shirt and then he took of mine. Then he took of his shoes. Then his belt and pants. That's when I finally figured out what was happening and then I woke up ha just kidding. Then my panties and his boxers. He laid me down on the bed and kissed me everywhere and traveled down on my body and then I felt this tingly sensation and his tongue was workin' wonders. I couldn't help but moan and after I reached my climax and he took a sip of wine. I got on top of him and we were making out and then a knock on the bedroom door. A FUCKING KNOCK ON THE DOOR. Me and Gambino jumped to put back on our clothes. Finally when we were settled Gambino went to answer it Tyler was standig there laughing "Uhh everyone downstairs came for the after party and they are wondering where you are. "I will be down in a minute" he said looking annoyed.

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