Matsuda- Baking Disaster 🤍💘

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After long, stressful days working at the Kira task-force you used to go home and bake. Cookies, cake, pies and tarts were your safe haven. And now that you lived at the task-force building, it was like stress followed you wherever you went.
But! Two days ago, you spoke to Watari and he told you that you were free to use the kitchen whenever you wanted, and that included baking. Your excitement could not be hindered and for the past days you've been waiting for a chance to break out the eggs and milk. Finally, you'd finished your work and immediately went to your room and changed into something comfortable and grabbed your apron, starting for the elevator. Once you arrived at the kitchen, you typed the apron around your waist and pulled your hair up and out of the way. Quickly washing your hands and walking towards the fridge you pulled out the ingredients for your favorite cake, Strawberry Shortcake.

Taskforce pov:

"I wonder what Y/n is rushing off to do." Matsuda watched you run off as soon as you finished your final assignment.

"Maybe she was a date." Mogi offered with a shrug of his shoulders and Matsudas face flushed red. No, you would've told him, right?

The Taskforce watched from the cameras as you run around your room grabbing clothes and into the bathroom. You came out in comfortable clothes with a apron in your hand and ran towards the elevator.
By the time you got towards the kitchen, the collective theory was you were making something to eat because it was an important day but nobody had any ideas about what it could be. It wasn't your birthday, nor was it anyone else's on the taskforce and it wasn't an anniversary for them either so in confusion they watched as you grabbed strawberries and milk out of the fridge and got to work.

Matsuda noticed the way you ran around the kitchen juggling at least four tasks at once and hissed in sympathy when you burned yourself on the top of the oven, a few colorful words coming out of your mouth, and decided he wanted to help you.

Your pov:

'Damn, I'm losing my touch. I've haven't baked in so long, I'm not used to the ingredients like i used to be.' You thought as your rinsed your hand off in cold water, easing your burn.

Suddenly the door opened and you turned to see Matsuda smiling at you shyly,
"You looked like you needed help. Is there anything I can do?"

You took a deep breath and smiled at him relieved, "Yes, thank you. I used to be a baking wizz but it seems I've lost my touch since living here. Can you stir the batter for a few minutes?"

He nodded and washed his hands, heading to the bowl to began stirring. Drying your hands off, you walked over next to him and grabbed the strawberries and began to cut the tops off. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him smile softly at you and your face immediately copied his bashfully while looking down. You began to mash the strawberries up and heard him start speaking,
"So, is there any reason you're baking a cake?"

He really hoped you weren't going on a date, or worse, he forgot an important one.

You smiled and turned to him, setting the strawberries down, "I used to bake all the time when I was stressed. When the Kira case was assigned to us, I'd come home to about seven cakes in the fridge and make about seven more. It's relaxing to me, making something from scratch. Plus baking involves a lot of math, and math makes sense to me, it stays the same and it's reliable. It's peaceful to me."

He nodded along and also set down the batter bowl to listen, "So, you've been stressed lately?"

For some reason, the words made you burst out laughing, "Matsuda, we're catching a supernatural serial killer with a boner for fucked-up justice, of course I'm stressed!"

Matsuda began to laugh with you and accidentally dropped his hand on the edge of the bowl knocking it off balance and propelling the batter into his face.

You were laughing so hard you could barely breathe as you reached for a paper towel and went to wipe his face off. You turned around to see him trip as he reached for you blindly and hit the bowl of mashed-up strawberries causing them and him to fall on the floor and taking you down with him. And that's how you got to this comprising position.

Matsuda is on top of you, hands on your chest and face to face with you cake batter dripping from his lips to yours. You're both blushing like mad and he's stuttering trying to from an apology.

Giggling, you decided to mess with him, after all if all goes well, this could work,
"Does our position make you...feel things?"

Oh god, was Matsuda definitely feeling things. The answer was yes, with no doubt.
"I d-don't know what you mean, Y-Y/n."

You laughed and said, "Well, worth a try. Let's clean this up, yeah?"
Matsuda watched you stand up and brush yourself off, feeling like he missed something. Were you flirting with him? Are you disappointed? He stood there silent as you grabbed a towel and began to scrub the floors, feeling like he just let a opportunity go.

Getting back up, you noticed his silence and unmoving posture and panicked internally. What if he didn't feel the same and you just ruined your friendship on a whim? Oh god, you'd rather be friends with him forever than feel this feeling again. Maybe you shouldn't even bake anymore, you just keep messing things up. Deciding to leave the uncomfortable situation, you spoke, "Sorry if I made this awkward, I'm gonna go back to my room."

Matsuda watched with a tugging feeling on his heart as you turned off the oven, took off your apron and began to walk towards the door with your head down. With a sudden sense of urgency, he grabbed your arm and turned you around, "Y/n, I-I really really like you. Like more than a friend. You're smart and beautiful and kind and you didn't make things awkward, I just didn't know what to-mmph!"

His rant was stopped by you pulling him in and and pressing your lips to him, and wow it felt great. His soft lips moved against yours with little experience but you didn't mind. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him harder.

Pulling away to catch your breath you giggled as his head chased after yours and watched him reopen his eyes. As soon as he realized what just happened, his face turned bright scarlet, "Wow, you're a really good kisser."
He said eyes dazed and unfocused.

"And you're not, but I'm always here if you wanna practice." You said, flirtatiously.
"Can we practice right now?" He asked with little shame, leaning back in.

You were about to say yes when you heard the sound of the building intercom turn on and Ryuzaki's bored voice speak, "If you're going to do anymore kissing, please do it on your own time, Matsuda. You haven't finished your work for the day."

Matsuda immediately panicked and kissed you one more time before rushing out, leaving you chuckling at his antics. Smiling, you turned back towards the kitchen and decided maybe you should make strawberry cake, after all, L's going to have to deal with a lot of PDA from now on.

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