Near - Freefall 🤍🧡💘

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Y/n learned a long time ago the only thing you can control in life is you. So, she became the best she could be in order to have the best life. She began a life as a FBI agent ripe out of college and soon was hired at the SPK, becoming a trusted friend of the members and most specifically and surprisingly enough, Near. She was loud and happy and free and no matter how many criminals threatened her or how many bodies she saw or how many times she burned herself on the communal coffee pot, she stayed positive. And that was probably because she smoked a lot of weed in her free time but nobody at the SPK knew that. But either way, she was kind and understanding, with patience and honesty radiating off her like she was the sun. It was no wonder Near fell for her. But her merciless teasing and sexual comments did cause him to struggle a little bit with maintaining himself around her. And that's how we got here.

"Morning Y/n- Oh my-! What happened to you?!"

Everyone turned to see Y/n walking in drenched in water with a bloody nose, cut on her cheek and a ripped dress shirt, barely covering the top of her chest.
She giggled and sighed, wiping her nose with her sleeve, "You wouldn't believe me if I told you, but it's been absolute shit. I'm gonna go change, anybody got a spare shirt?"

Near spoke up with a slight newfound interest in her, "I've got one in my room, follow me, Miss Y/n."

She hummed and continued towards him, with a slight limp, he noticed. Arriving in his room, he instructed her to sit on his bed so that he could fix her nose despite her futile protests.

"I only need a shirt, Near. My nose has been broken too many times to count, I'll get over it." Near ignored her, grabbing a first aid kit and kneeling in front of her and tugging on her pant leg.
"You're walking with a limp, let me see your leg, Miss Y/n."

Y/n rolled her eyes and sat up straighter, taking off her pants with a bit of struggle as she spoke, not noticing Near's reddening face, "How many times have I told you to just call me Y/n? It's not like we're strangers."

"Yes, that is true. But I am also technically your boss and higher-up, so I feel it is important to keep some sort of professional boundary between us." Near saw the cause for the limp, a thin,seven-inch across wound on her thigh and focused on staring at that instead of her crimson lace panties, which proved to be a challenge.

Y/n watched him with amusement, "Yeah, so should I start calling you Mr. Near now? Maybe boss or- Oh, I got it! Sir?"
She said the last line with a hint of seduction, stretching the word and smirking at his blushing face as he glanced from her panties to her wound, barely containing himself as he cleaned it.

"I-I feel as though there isn't a need for that, but I will take your suggestions into consideration, Miss Y/n."

Y/n groaned and threw her head back slightly, giving Near the opportunity to stare a little longer before looking back at the job at hand.
"It's Y/n, Near. Y. N. Not Miss Y/n. Not L/n.
Y/n. And sometimes mommy in the bedroom but mostly just Y/n."

Near choked on his saliva, swallowing and placing a bandage on her thigh.
"I don't know why you insist on making sexual jokes like that, Y/n, but the workplace is not the time not place for them, so if you could refrain-"

"They aren't jokes and we're not in the workplace, we're in your bedroom. All alone, half-naked, with you kneeling in front of my-"

Near interrupted before the conversation topic got too inappropriate, sitting up a little to examine her face, "So, how is your nose? You might have suffered a concussion from the injury, how does your head feel?"

Y/n smirked, given the perfect chance, "I don't know, you'll have to find out. But so far, my feedbacks been pretty good."

'Near.exe has stopped working' was written all over his face, the loading, realization and shock all in five seconds.
Y/n giggled at his face, putting her foot on his thigh and shaking him back into reality gently. She sighed as he turned away to grab a bandage, "Sorry, I know sometimes I go too far. I didn't mean to embarrass you."

Near nodded, turning back to her face with a reassuring look, "It's fine. Now, are you going to tell me what happened?"

Y/n groaned and relaxed her head in his soft hands as he pressed a cold washcloth to her nose, collecting the blood, "So, first, my sink broke when I was grabbing a glass of water and I tried to fix it and got doused in water. Then, I couldn't change cause I was running late to work and I tripped straight into a pole on my way here and right before I got here, my shirt snagged on barbed wire from a fence, ripped and my cheek got cut so obviously, luck is on my side."

Near hummed, holding her still with a gentle hand on her chin, "Well, your nose isn't broken if that makes you feel a little better."

Y/n chuckled, "Yeah, sure, Near, that makes me feel better. You know, I don't get why you insist on helping me. I can handle myself, but whenever I fuck up, you're there by my side, fixing my typos and kissing my wounds."

Near avoided eye contact as he grabbed some cream to put on her cheek, "Well, I care about you, of course, only as one of my detectives, and I need you working properly."

Y/n grabbed his hand, stopping him from moving and making him look at her, "Why can't we be friends instead?"

He responded without hesitation, regretting it immediately, "I don't want to be your friend."

Y/n's eyes widened a little at the harshness in his voice and dropped his hand, looking down as she stood up, "Sorry. You're right, it's unprofessional. Can I have the shirt, please? I have work I need to start."

Near didn't know how to respond, he didn't know how to tell her what he really meant so he didn't. He stood there in silence as she walked towards her pants and his shirt, the feeling of guilt bubbling up into his throat, making it hard to breathe. She reached for the shirt, about to take off her own, and the bubble burst, "Wait, that's not what I meant."

She turned to look at him curiously, prompting him to continue, " I meant, I don't want to be friends because I think I want to be something more. I know you flirt with me as a joke but I think maybe it's not a joke to me anymore. I feel I want to kiss you when you're laughing, I want to hold you when you're crying and I feel I want to fuck you so bad when talk like that, it makes my head spin."

He looked up shyly to see her walking towards him. She grabbed his hands and went to speak but decided against it, instead slamming her lips against his, wrapping her fingers in his hair and tugging him into her.

She pulled away with a sly grin on her face, "Well, why the hell do you think I only flirt with you, Near? It's you, it's been you since the day we met. You told me that my shirt was inside out and it was a freefall from then."

Near smiled bashfully and then laughed a little, "You know, you taste like marijuana."

Y/n burst out laughing then gasped dramatically, "How do you know what weed tastes like, Mr. Perfect?"

"How else was I supposed to deal with Matt and Mello?" He joked.

Y/n giggled into his neck, leaning up to run her fingers through his hair, "You're full of surprises, aren't you, pretty boy?"

"And I'll let you find them all out if I can kiss you again."

She grinned up at him, his beautiful tinted cheeks gracing her eyes, "Always."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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