Misa - No Willys Here 🤍 💘/💚

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Misa never really tried to get along with Y/n. It's not that they didn't like eachother, they just never spoke considering Misa was all over Light and Y/n spent her time working silently.  But Light was sick of Misa today and was begging L to get her away from him.

"Misa, why don't you try hanging around Y/n instead of Light? She's off work right now."

Misa groaned and turned to L, "But why? It's not like we're friends."
Light struggled in the tight grip of Misa's arms as she spoke, an annoyed look on his face.

L understood the frustration of Misa constantly around them, pestering them and demanding attention perfectly. It was kind of impressive the way Y/n could ignore everything and focus on her work as a detective when Misa was crawling all over Light.

"Misa, you two could bond. Light needs to finish his work right now, I'll make sure to alert you when he's done."

Sighing and muttering a fine, Misa slid off Light and made her way to the kitchen where Y/n was.


Y/n sat on the counter, kicking her legs back and forth and humming some song stuck in her head, listening to the popcorn crackling in the microwave. She was planning on watching a movie, taking a shower and getting a good nights sleep and she nearly jumped out of her skin when the door opened and Misa walked in.
"Oh, hi Misa."

Misa groaned and walked over to where Y/n was perched,
"Ryuzaki wants me to hang out with you cause apparently Light has work to do."

Y/n nodded, "Okay. Well, all I'm doing this evening is watching a movie, you could join me if you want."

Misa jumped up on the counter next to Y/n and watched the popcorn bag spin inside the microwave, "What movie?"

Y/n smiled deviously, "Oh, you'll love it. It's my favorite. It's called Willy's Wonderland. It's about serial killers living inside possessed animatronics getting absolutely bashed by a silent pop-addict with a dash of teenagers having sex in a murder lair."

Misa looked at Y/n like she was crazy, "What? Death, sex and soda?"

Y/n laughed, "Yeah, close enough. It's really cheesy but I love it."

Misa giggled, already starting to like her, "Alright, whatever you say."

The microwave beeped and Y/n hopped down, grabbed the popcorn and picked up the other snacks that were on the counter. "Want some soda? I'm grabbing a Fanta."

Misa hums, "Yeah, I'll take a root beer."

Y/n tossed Misa a can from the fridge and the two began to walk towards her room.


With L and Light:

"How did you know they'd get along?"

L doesn't look up from his work when he replies, "I didn't, I actually thought it was going to go horribly. I'm quite surprised Misa likes her but her interest in that movie raises my suspicions of her being the second Kira."

Light rolled his eyes, going back to watching Misa and Y/n, "Of course it does."


With Y/n and Misa:

"Here, you can sit on my bed, I'ma set up the movie."

Misa nods and sits down, "So, Y/n, you got a boyfriend?"

Y/n laughed, " If I had a boyfriend, they wouldn't be a boyfriend."

Misa frowned confused, "What do you mean?"

Y/n turned from the TV with a slight chuckle and walked over to the bed, collapsing beside Misa, "I like girls, Misa. Men don't do it for me."

"Oh! Is that why whenever Matsuda flirts with you, you laugh and shake your head?"

Y/n giggled, "No, I laugh and shake my head because somehow Matsuda doesn't know and it's kinda funny considering he's literally dropped me off at dates with my ex-girlfriend."

Misa snickered, grabbing a popcorn kernel and throwing it into her mouth, "So, how long did you know you've liked girls?"

Y/n hummed in thought, clicking the play button on the movie, "Probably since I was seven. I met my stepmom for the first time and she was wearing a low cut top and I couldn't stop staring. Or when I was really invested in Monster High dolls and would make mine kiss."

Misa and Y/n looked at each other and burst out laughing, Misa saying, "Seriously?"

"Yeah! I suppose maybe I always knew, but whenever someone asks what 'turned me gay', I say it was those pink khaki shorts and girl-power shirts." Y/n said, snorting.

"Oh my god, I remember those! And second grade wouldn't have been the same without my hot-pink light-up sketchers." Misa added, giggling into her can of root beer.

Y/n laughed and then excitedly patted Misa's thigh when the movie started playing, "It's starting, it's starting! Okay, pay attention to the close details, I watched this once with my brother and he guessed the plot five minutes in."

Misa nodded and turned towards the screen with a genuine smile on her face for the first time since she met Light.

Misa snuck a peak of Y/n grinning at the TV out of the corner of her eye and smiled softly, maybe one day she'll tell her the real reason she wanted to know how Y/n found out she liked girls and why after that night, she practically stuck to Y/n like glue.

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