L Lawliet - Strip Club Surprise ❤️‍🔥💘

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L really hated social places, and a strip club was the most social of them all.

Misa thought it was the best idea in the world, take the greatest detective to a club as a surprise. She had convinced the task-force that she had missed being out in public and she had a friend she wanted to see who happened to work at the strip club. Of course, she didn't tell L that it was a strip club, just mentioning that her friend worked in entertainment at a place called The Blue Bikini.

As soon as the task-force and Misa stepped into said club, L realized exactly what type of entertainment Misa's friend worked in. Hot, sweaty bodies in little to no clothing dancing wasn't really his thing but Misa was already off, approaching one of the stages.
The taskforce followed her to a big stage on the right side of the club to where a woman wearing a midnight blue lingerie set was spinning provocatively on a pole.

Since it was incredibly dark in the club despite the flashing lights, L could barely see her until she got closer upon Misa calling her name. Wow, she was gorgeous. And not in the conventionally attractive type of gorgeous but in that way that even covered in a thin layer of sweat and panting from the exercise, she still had a glow of beauty about her.

"Y/n! Oh my god, hi! How are you?"
Misa asked as the woman, Y/n, sat down on the side of the stage and greeted her.

"I've been great, Mises. Just great. It's real slow tonight though so I'm mostly practicing moves with taller heel height. You bring me some friends tonight?"
She added flirtatiously, motioning towards the task-force whom were currently trying to look everywhere but her body, very awkwardly.

Misa giggled and leaned into Y/n's ear, a few barely audible words reaching L's ears namely 'Virgin', 'Horny', 'All out' and 'I knew he was your type'.
Y/n smirked deviously and said, "Oh, the things I do for you, Misa." before hopping off the stage.

Leaning over and grabbing a half-full glass,
Y/n chugged the liquid inside then turned towards the task-force smiling, "So, which one of you is Ryuzaki?"

Immediately, L's eyebrows shot up his forehead and he somewhat sheepishly extended his hand, "That would be me, you are Y/n, right? A friend of miss Amane's?"

Grinning, she shook his hand, "Guilty as charged. Lovely to meet all of you-" She turned to Light and the rest of the officers, chuckling at their bashful demeanors as she gripped their hands, "-you must be Light, Misa's boy toy. She always has been attracted to the preppy ones."

Light greeted her with a wavering smile at the comment, providing amusement for L. After get acquainted with the men, Y/n picked up a small towel from the bar, confusing them, and turned back towards the group.

She smiled confidently and spoke,
"So, Ryuzaki, Misa said that you'd like a VIP room and a private dance. Follow me, pretty boy."

L hesitated to walk after the woman but Misa pushed him towards her, saying something about how she already paid.
Following behind the woman, L tried his best to look anywhere but her body, specifically the parts that got exposed when she bent over to grab a key to the rooms.
Arriving at the VIP section, Y/n turned around and took his hand, explaining why when she saw him go to pull back, "There's a lot of people back here, Honey. We got to stay close to stay together at all."

Blushing slightly, L allowed her to pull him through crowds of people, mainly men, to the separated rooms in the very back, still holding her hand as she opened one of the doors.
Closing the door behind them, she instructed him to sit on one of the loveseats and relax, waking over to a mini fridge and grabbing a bottle of water. The room was relatively petite, housing only a small stage with a pole in the corner and a few couches and loveseats around the walls with a door to a bathroom and a mini fridge next to a bar table.
Y/n took a sip of water and walked over to a speaker, breaking the silence, "So, is there anything in particular you want to do? Any songs you'd prefer? I can give lap dances, stage dances or a mix of both."

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