Ambitions - L Lawliet🤍💘

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Being imprisoned wasn't the most enjoyable experience, especially because Y/n was only a suspect due to her friendship with Light. They'd gone to the same high-school and always been tied for first place. That should've made them natural enemies but they bonded over their shared academia and aspiration to become police officers. What Y/n didn't know is that she was used as an alibi during the time Light was being watched and that made her suspicious to L.

Light never intended on having her take the fall for the murders but now she was trapped at the task-force building after 50 days of being locked up. Y/n was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, friends with the wrong person. And she hated herself for it. She knew what she was doing, befriending Light due to the uptake in Kira killing, trying to investigate him on her own. She should've known that nobody would ever take her seriously as a detective at 19 and she just looked suspicious suddenly wanting a friendship with the chief of police's son.

The task-force wasn't all that bad, she had a roof over her head, warm water, fresh food, basically all the necessities. And Misa wasn't so bad, a little dramatic and hard to talk to intellectually but a good friend nonetheless, and the only other girl at the task-force.

No, what Y/n missed most was sex and weed. Maybe smoking an illegal drug and hooking up with men she barely knew at To-Oh wasn't the best decision for a soon-to-be police officer, but it was the way she grew up and coped.
Besides Light was stressful to be around, knowing he was Kira and just not having enough proof was nerve-wracking.
And now it was exhausting all the time, listening to his rants about him not being Kira with nothing to drown him out.

"Would you like a bite of my cake?"
Y/n blinked, registering she had been staring at L for at least five minutes, she shook her head,
"No, I'm good, thanks, Ryuzaki."

L watched her face as she turned back to the humongous screens in front of her, "If you don't want my cake, why were you staring at me?"

Y/n sighed and rubbed her eyes, groaning and throwing her head back, "I'm sick of this. I wish I was never friends with Light. Cause then I'd be studying at To-Oh, getting wasted at college parties and hooking up with random people in my free time. But no, I try to do one good thing for the world and my whole life plan goes to shit."

His big eyes watched her curiously, mapping each expression she made. He decided to brush over the sex part, asking, "What do you mean, Y/n? What good thing?"

She pulled her head out of her hands and adjusted her body so that she was making direct eye contact with L, making sure she didn't disturb a sleeping Light in the chair behind him.

"I mean," She spoke tiredly, "The main reason I became friends with Light is because I knew he could've been Kira. He lives in the Kanto region of Japan, he's the son of the chief of police, giving him access to useful information on the investigation and he began rejecting his friends to do other things in his free time, like I don't know, maybe killing criminals. And when Misa came into the picture, Kira gained more power and the second Kira began killing. I had everything, every reason to suspect him but no proof. And now I'm stuck in this hell hole searching for another Kira. Im losing my mind, Ryuzaki."

He nodded, finally understanding her real motivation behind befriending Light. It made sense, she wanted to catch criminals after all, why not start with one that went to her school?
He didn't really know how to make her feel better, considering she'd have to stay here no matter what she said, so he picked up his plate of cake.

He stabbed a piece of the dessert, and reached his hand out with the fork, offering a bite.
Y/n chuckled at that and leaned forward, allowing him to push the cake into her mouth.
She chewed and leaned back on her chair, starring up at the big screens showcasing their frustration.
"You know, you're actually quite easy to be around, L. You'd be funny to be with while high, you've got those peaceful but kind eyes that would look gorgeous bloodshot."

Well, L certainly wasn't expecting that. His cheeks turned a slight red tint as he swallowed a bite of cake. He watched Y/n relax in her chair, using her feet to push her back and forth.
"I think you're gorgeous no matter your sobriety, Y/n."

She turned to look at him with her eyebrows raised and chuckled slightly, "Yeah, sure you do. Personally, out of both of us, you've obviously got the pretty looks."

Ah, so this is a game. Well, I'm going to win.
"Your opinions are contrary to popular belief. It's obvious you're stunning, Y/n. In fact, I would go as far as to say that you're incredibly beautiful, a gift from Aphrodite herself."

Y/n smiled and turned around in her chair sitting up enough that L could see a faint blush on her cheeks, "Well, if I'm so beautiful, why don't you kiss me, huh?"

Without thought, L acted on impulse, the desire to be right and maybe the excitement of his underlaying feelings bubbling to the surface, he pulled her chair by the armrest towards him and grabbed her face with the other hand, softly pressing his lips to Y/n's.
Y/n's cheeks bloomed a beautiful red, her hands coming up to hold his face and kiss him harder, sighing happily into his mouth.

Slightly out of breath, the two pulled away, resting forehead to forehead and caressing each other's cheek bones.
"Wow," Y/n spoke, giggling breathlessly, "That was amazing."

L smiled slightly, using one hand to fix her hair behind her ear, "Yes, it was. I know you're missing out on a lot by being here, but anytime you want to catch up on things, I'll gladly substitute myself for your desires. That includes the sex you would be having."

Y/n laughed a little, playing with his hair as she spoke, "And I'll take you over random college men any day. You are most definitely a better kisser."

They leaned in about to capture each other's lips again when a snort was heard from behind L, causing the couple to jump slightly and turn to the cause of the noise. Light watched them with an amused expression on his face,
"Well, finally, I thought I'd have to make Misa offer a double date to get you two to kiss. But next time you start making out, don't forget how loud chains can be when you tug on them, even to a heavy sleeper. I'd rather not witness that again."

Y/n burst out laughing, her head bouncing slightly on L's chest as he defended his actions, ignoring Lights pretend gagging faces.
Watari smiled as he looked down on the group from the balcony, proud that the boy he raised had at long last found someone who made him happy, deciding he could refill his tea later.

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