Chapter 8: The Mines

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It was not in fact, simple

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It was not in fact, simple.

After about an hour of climbing short cliffs and going deeper and deeper into the tunnels of the mountain, Link was about ready to melt. And he hadn't even gotten to his destination yet. He was starting to think the Human mines weren't real and this whole thing was a joke. It wasn't even as though it took longer because he was the size of a Minish-- he wasn't anymore-- after leaving Melari's caverns, Ezlo had brought him back to full size again. It was just taking forever to find the entrance to the Human mines they had for some reason built at the very top of the mountain.

"Boy what I wouldn't give for a nice cold bath right about now," Ezlo muttered as Link hoisted himself up another short ledge. "It keeps getting hotter!"

"Yeah, I should send you to the cleaners," Link huffed. "You're making my head sweaty!"

"What makes you think you can treat me like common laundry, huh?"

Link would've answered, but as he turned the corner around a cliff, he saw the entrance to the mine. It was a simple carved tunnel, wooden beams keeping it up.

"We're here," Link said, stepping inside.

"Wow..." Ezlo looked around, tucking his head down as if the ceiling were about to eat him. "It's hot in here! Come on! Let's not stand around wasting time! Find that element, so we can get out of here!"

"I'm sorry, which one of us is standing?" Link jabbed, walking deeper into the cave.

"Which one of us is made of flammable material?"

Link laughed, turning a corner and exiting the tunnel. The chamber he stepped into was vast; the ceiling was too high to see, and there were large pits of lava eating away at the ground. Long wooden walkways ran through the chamber, and rock paths were carved into the walls leading down into deeper pits. There was plenty of room to walk, and the room seemed stable, but there was so much lava nearby and spread out that there wasn't a single torch placed as the chamber was light enough already.

The worst thing he saw however, were the little walking bombs that seemed to stop and stare at him as he entered. "Do they see us?" Link asked.

"Oh, I know what these are!" Ezlo laughed. "Bob-Ombs! They came from somewhere else I think, but the Humans used 'em for mining here."

"Are they dangerous?"

Ezlo tilted his head to either side. "Very..." he muttered, looking around the room. "But, not seeing a way forward, they might also be useful."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we're in a cave; there are bombs; we need to move quickly," Ezlo looked down at Link. "You picking any of this up yet?"

"Right," Link sighed. "Got it."

He started walking around the chamber, searching for where an old door might've been but avoiding the lava. Clearly the mines were old, considering the broken wood planks and all the signs of cave-ins. Eventually he found what used to be a tunnel entrance, and there didn't seem to be that much blockage in the way.

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