Chapter 10: Vaati

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Link entered the southern plains of Hyrule Field, stepping off the city's drawbridge

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Link entered the southern plains of Hyrule Field, stepping off the city's drawbridge. The great doors closed in the city's wall, and as soon as the Hyrule Guards were out of earshot... Link froze. Elzo could feel it too, some kind of change in the wind. All the small creatures of the world, even the monsters that had overrun these fields, were gone. Everything was silent and unmoving, like the air itself had been ripped away.


Link felt a chill run down his spine.

"You're the last person I expected to find here. And just as I was wondering who could be behind this, I find my old master..."

Link remembered that voice from the attack during the festival. He whipped out his sword and spun in place, searching for the man the voice belonged to. Right in front of him a cloud of darkness formed, and a young man in robes of deep violets stepped out of it. A jewel encrusted cap sat on his head, a small silver dagger was fastened to his belt, and his eyes glowed with an evil energy.

"Vaati!" Elzo growled.

"And, as always, you are dressed in..." Vaati gave a sharp laugh. "The shabbiest of rags."

"You're one to talk!" Link hissed. "What kind of curse turns someone into a hat anyway?"

"My curses are not to be mocked," Vaati hissed. "The one I cast on you is most powerful. No matter what power you wield, you will never break it."

"You haven't changed in the slightest," Ezlo barked. "I should never have created that cap. It only fueled your insane desires!"

"Fool!" Vaati shouted, dark energy gathering in his hands. "A hat that grants the wishes of its wearer is a spectacular creation! Thanks to you, I have gone from being a meek, minuscule nothing to..." He laughed softly. "The greatest sorcerer alive!" His body erupted into pure darkness, but only for a moment. He forced himself not to allow his anger to get the better of him, and instead stared down at Link and Ezlo once more. "You cannot stop me now. And I have you to thank for it! Accept this small gesture of gratitude from me."

Link darted forward, but in an instant, Vaati was gone.

"Wait!" Ezlo screamed. "Vaati, wait!!!"

Suddenly, Link was knocked off his feet, and standing over him were two brutish monsters. Moblins, each twice the size of the strongest knights in Hyrule.

Link rolled out of the way as one smashed their club where he was. The other Moblin held a sword however, and Link had to jump quickly back onto his feet to avoid it. He tried to get some distance between himself and the monsters, allowing him to pull out his shield, but they were quick. He barely got his shield out at all and they still knocked him off his feet again.

The first Moblin brought its club down again, but this time Link threw up his shield to protect himself, doing all he could to push it away. But the Moblin was stronger, and instead of pushing it away, Link used that force against itself. The club slid across the surface of the shield and the Moblin was caught off balance.

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