Chapter 3: The Wonder Hat

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            Link followed the Minister's map out through the east exit of Hyrule Castle Town, but most of the path was blocked off by construction

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Link followed the Minister's map out through the east exit of Hyrule Castle Town, but most of the path was blocked off by construction. It seemed Vaati had torn up part of the town on his way out, and they were trying to repair the damage. He'd only been asleep for a day, but already the world felt so different from the day of the festival. There were no signs of celebration anymore, just people either locking their doors or trying to put parts of the city back together.

It wasn't much of an inconvenience, but it was another reason for Link to hurry and repair the blade. Who knew what else Vaati would do if he wasn't stopped? What was he planning to do with all those monsters? What would happen to Zelda if he couldn't repair the blade?

As he reached the edge of the forest, he forced himself to stop. He was already getting ahead of himself, and panicking wasn't going to solve anything. Step one was getting the sword fixed, and that meant finding that Deepwood Shrine first.

"And that is..." Link looked up from the map, staring at the trees that surrounded him. He'd followed the path the Minister drew, but the last discernible landmark was the bridge he just crossed. Now there were just trees, and no obvious path through.

Luckily, he didn't have to choose a vague direction and just start walking. Unluckily however, this was because he suddenly heard screaming coming from inside the forest.

"Helllllp!!!" the voice screamed. "Help meeee!!!"

Link followed the yelling, pocketing the map and drawing his sword.

"Ouch!" the voice yelped. "Won't somebody stop them!? Ow! Ow! Help... Somebody! Can't anybody hear me?"

Link vaulted out of the trees into a cramped clearing, several strange monsters right in front of him. He skid to a stop, throwing up his shield as one of them spit a stone at him. They were pink and fleshy, with eight crab-like legs and bulbous eyes. With their funnel mouths, they'd picked up rocks and shot them like projectiles. For their eight legs and rock spitting, Link ingeniously labeled them Octorocks.

There were only three of them, and each was about the size of a person's head, so it shouldn't have been too hard, but he wasn't used to fighting this close to trees. His first strike was interrupted by his sword getting lodged in a tree, which opened him up for a counterattack. Then it took too long and both hands to dislodge the sword, and they all started jumping at him. Finally retrieving his sword, he started second guessing and under-powering his swings so he didn't hit any more trees. This resulted in just knocking the monsters around a bit without doing much to them, and taking a ton of hits to the back when they realized they could surround him.

Dodging out of the way, Link found a decent striking spot between two trees where he could slash down on them when they got too close, but they couldn't surround him again. Bottlenecking them to their doom, he finally kicked away the last of them.

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