5th installment of the VGNU.
The time has come to prepare for the future.
Two young brothers are sent on the wings of storks to be gifted to the parents that will raise them.
But evil forces fight against them, and getting home will not be as eas...
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The Yoshies were escorted through the fields of their own island, Koopa troops walking guard alongside them. The baby had already been carried off by one of the masked creatures, but-- though separated-- the Yoshies knew they couldn't give up.
It would be hard, and they'd be deep in unknown enemy territory, but so long as a single Yoshi lived, they would fight. Peaceful they may be, docile yes, but loyal above all.
They would find an opportunity, and they would take it.
They stared up at the dark tower the enemy lead them towards, each fearing the worst as the large gates opened. Shadows seemed to seep from every cracked brick, as if it devoured all light. It was in perfect contrast to the paradise that was the rest of the island; a dark core to an otherwise bright world. It was no place for a lost baby, or anyone for that matter.
And yet, before they knew it, they had been locked inside, the door slammed behind them.
Most of the Koopas stayed outside, for what they didn't know, but they planned to use their absence to their advantage. That is, if a worse enemy hadn't appeared.
The MagiKoopas, Koopas that knew the art of spellcraft, stood before them. At the head, was Kamek.
Kamek looked at the Yoshies, disappointed that his lackies had had such trouble with them. It should've been a simple task to eliminate them, yet still they stood, still they fought. He scoffed, shaking his head as he turned away.
To the dungeons it was.
Deeper and deeper into the castle they went, the halls growing darker and the floors growing colder. Red Yoshi continued trying to find a way out, but the longer he thought, the worse the situation became.
Doors kept locking behind them, and it felt like there was an infinite number of Koopa troops lining the walls. Yet still he refused to give up hope. Even if he couldn't rescue the odd child, he needed to rescue his own kind while they still stood beside him.
He remembered how his brothers fought in the previous battle. They lost their lives protecting each other, and that child. And here he was, letting those who remained get taken away...
Red Yoshi suddenly lurched to the side, crashing into the nearest Koopa. It fell over, toppling several other Koopas as well. There wasn't going to be an opportunity to fight! The time was now! They had to escape however they could!
The other Yoshies got the hint, and picked up the fight immediately. The Koopas that lined the halls charged towards them, but it seemed they were unprepared for the Yoshi's ability to swallow enemies whole. Koopas began running the other direction, scared, and apparently untrained. These troops had been armed, but where never taught to use the tools given to them. The Yoshies used this to their FULL advantage.