Epilogue: Farewell

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            King Bowser slammed his fist into young Bowser's face, sending him flying across the room

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King Bowser slammed his fist into young Bowser's face, sending him flying across the room. The Yoshies scattered, each of the babies exclaiming in panic. All but baby Mario, who had grown used to this sort of thing.

Mario grabbed the back of Yoshi's head, trying to lead him around King Bowser. The baby Ape got over the panic with ease, and followed Mario's lead.

Young Bowser noticed this, and at first suspected the two of them were simply running away. But then he saw them circling back, and decided to aid their plan.

"Hey snot stain!" young Bowser shouted. He already had King Bowser's attention, but now that attention was focused. "If you're what I grow into, I would've thrown myself off the castle too!"

"You ungrateful--" King Bowser charged forward, but suddenly he toppled. The Ape had jumped on top of him, smashing into his head. Meanwhile, baby Mario had grabbed hold of-- and was now gnawing on-- King Bowser's tail. "Hey! Get off of me!"

"You brats!" Kamek hissed. He aimed his staff and fired a bolt of energy at baby Mario. However, the Ape had forced Bowser to turn, and the bolt ended up hitting King Bowser. "No! My King!"

Kamek raced forward, but Wario rode in front of him on his Yoshi, snatching the staff out of his hand before he could do anything. Kamek took a step back, but then found himself surrounded by the Stork and the Princess as well.

"You can't use my staff!" Kamek growled. "It's magic will not w-"

Wario smacked Kamek with the staff, then the Yoshies began their attack.

The King however, was in just as bad of shape. The Ape wouldn't get off, and young Bowser had realized his claws could be used for more than just scratching his head. Mario wouldn't let go of the King Koopa's tail, and that threw him completely off balance. King Bowser kept tripping over himself, trying to swat the babies away and defend himself from the Ape and the Yoshies.

"ENOUGH!!!" King Bowser roared, bellowing fire in every direction.

Everyone was thrown back. The Yoshies skid across the floor, the children were thrown against the walls, the Stork went spiraling... and Kamek cracked his head against a stone.

"This is over!" King Bowser shouted, unaware of his advisor's injury. "You are children! You are insects! You are worthless! How do you STILL, DEFY, ME!? I am BOWSER! King of All! Ruler of Galaxies! Nothing should be able to stop my reign of terror!"

The Yoshies forced themselves to stand, facing King Bowser. The children also stood, but they turned away.

"Cowards now!" King Bowser scoffed.

But they were not cowards. They turned away not to hide, or flee, but to crawl towards the fallen Kamek. He lay motionless on top of the stone.

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