Chapter 4: Out of Reach

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            The heavy mist kept the Yoshies hidden as they walked through the cloudy plains of their sky island

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The heavy mist kept the Yoshies hidden as they walked through the cloudy plains of their sky island. As the island floated among the clouds, the clouds themselves were usually low to the ground, but they were thickest near the beaches, where the Yoshies traveled now. Unfortunately that fog was a double edged sword. The monsters lurking out of sight couldn't see them, but the Yoshies couldn't see much in front of them either.

Baby Mario pointed them in the direction he thought his brother had gone, leading them towards the top of the island. It was cold this far up, yes, but the child didn't seem to care, and the Yoshies had long since grown used to their hidden climate.

The Koopas however, have only recently taken up residence on the island. So while the Yoshies easily traversed their native terrain, the Koopas stumbled their way through the misty forests of the north. They searched as well as they could, only being able to see a few feet in front of them at any time, but there was no sign of the fallen child.

Not that they could give up though, Kamek would have their hides if they failed again. He'd skin them, boil them in their shells, and eat them as turtle soup.

All the while, Kamek himself sat up in his tower, guarding the future King.

He was relentless, refusing to leave King Bowser's side for fear that the young Koopaling could be hurt, or worse. So he had his men searching for the lost Mario brother, the younger of the twins safely tied up and locked away at the bottom of the tower.

Regardless of what the Yoshies did this time, they couldn't possibly know to both find the twin in the dungeons, and defeat Bowser at the the top of the tower.

And yet, they had done all that last time...

Kamek watched out the window of the tower, nearly cracking his staff in his grip in anger. Those pesky Yoshies... those worthless Mario brothers... He didn't know how they bested him last time, but these Yoshies lacked the knowledge of the Yoshies from before. There was no way they would best him now, not now that Kamek was prepared for such defiance.

His troops would find those Yoshies, and wipe them out.

And then the last of the brothers would be brought to him.


The plains flattened out as the Yoshies made their way north. They had left the beaches a while ago, and could see the low mountains in the distance now. The forests to the west and east where close though, and despite the young Mario's protests, the Yoshies began moving closer to the trees. The mist kept them hidden, but as the hills were behind them there was nothing to keep them protected.

But of course, they should have listened to baby Mario.

As soon as they got close enough for the mist to be thin enough to see through, they came face to face with a Koopa platoon. For a moment, the Koopa and Yoshi at the front of their respective packs, stopped dead.

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