Chapter 1: Welcome to Yoshi's Island

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            The many colored Yoshies gathered around the small red-capped child in a clearing near the edge of their forest home, studying the odd map

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The many colored Yoshies gathered around the small red-capped child in a clearing near the edge of their forest home, studying the odd map. It's foreign symbols were indecipherable, and in fact they couldn't even tell it was a map at all. It was simply an oddity that brought about curiosity, much like the child. The child of which appeared to be something of the native tree apes, but with much less fur. They couldn't make heads or tails of any of it.

Both the child and the map had fallen out of the sky, so it made sense that if they took the baby to the highest place they can reach, they'd find some clue as to where it came from. This of course meant walking the path to the mountains near the center of the island however, and it had been a long time since any Yoshi traveled that far. It was far away to them, and they had no need of the difficult terrain or cold mountain weather. But where else could this creature have come from?

Though the island was calm, there were plenty of dangers present. From carnivorous snapping turtles the Yoshi's called Koopas, to the venomous plants they called the Piranha Plants. And though the island was small, there was still plenty of ground they'd have to cover on foot, through land they rarely visited. As for the map, they'd have to deal with that when the time came, if it mattered at all.

So they decided a few of them would take the child. Some would scout ahead to check for dangers, one would carry the child, and the rest would stay behind to make sure no more sudden visitors dropped in unexpectedly.

Settling the young baby on the back of the green Yoshi's shell, they began their journey.


With the last of his troops scattered, Kamek rested for a moment. He was old, wrinkled, tired, and already done waiting for this setback to be dealt with. He sat in his ward's throne in the dark, thinking vile thoughts to himself as he tried to correct for his error.

It was fine, if only one got away, it was fine. One of the twins was currently being held captive, and the other was somewhere on the island. It was only a matter of time before the child was found... dead or alive. He wondered which was better... Captured, he could be of use, but he could also prove more dangerous down the line... But dead? He'd never have to worry about that boy becoming a problem...

Still... there was no way the child could survive on its own, especially after a fall like that. But the peaceful creatures of the island where an unknown, the unmapped wilds... If the baby had survived, there was a good chance those pesky Yoshies were taking care of it. Blasted bestial loyalty...

But it was no matter for Kamek; with his troops searching everywhere for them, they wouldn't stand a chance. And even if they somehow evaded his forces...

He always had his magic to fall back on.

The orb on the end of his staff shone dimly, casting an evil glow through the dark empty castle chamber.

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