4. The Second Bell Test

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"So you passed and the others failed?"

A nod.

"And you are saying that your teammates are in jail as we speak."

Another nod.

Obito just sighed and crossed in arms while saying "I was least expecting for that to happen. But at least you passed in the bell test. That's all what matters for now."

"So what are we going to do now?" Naruto asked. It was an indirect way of saying "I trust you, Obito. So what do suggest to do now?"

"First, complete all your missions. Then enter the chunin exams. After that, we will discuss." Obito said as he stood up to leave. "Any other questions?"

Naruto shook his to say no before Obito frowned and said " Since you don't have any teammates, I would advise you to use your clones to help you in your tasks. Is that understood?"

"But, what if Kakashi sensei does not allow me to use my clones?" Naruto asked.

Immediately, Obito had a smirk adorning on his lips.

"Well, you can offer this book to him." Obito said as he took out a book named "Kunoichi diaries" from his pocket dimension and gave it to the blonde. "This book is known to be largest book of its kind. Its very expensive so I had to steal a copy from Amegakure."

Naruto was about to open the book only to be stopped by Obito who sighed in relief.

"No. Don't even think about it. I don't want your innocent mind to be polluted." Obito said sternly and turned his face towards the stomach of Naruto and said "Kurama! Make sure that he does not read this book."

"Aye Aye Obito. I assure you that he will not even look at the first word of the book" Kurama said.

"But, I have already read 2 words on the cover!" Naruto said with a smile on his lips.

"Don't try to be smarter than you actually are, Brat." Obito said as he sighed.

"Anyways, I will meet you soon." Obito said as he extended his fist to offer Naruto a fist bump.

Naruto looked Obito 's fist in surprise before looking towards his smiling face. He was overcome by emotions as he smiled.

Making a fist, he extended his hand towards Obito's fist and gave a fist bump to him.

After Obito disappeared in spiral, Naruto looked at the book with a smirk.

"Don't even think about it, brat." Kurama said as Naruto pouted.

"I just want to see what Kakashi sensei likes to read." Naruto said, earning a sweatdrop from Kurama. 

"Maybe we should keep going as that Hatake brat said that he will continue the test today." Kurama said as Naruto got up and walked towards the door. 

"Kurama, do you think that I should change my clothes?" Naurto suddenly asked on his way to training ground 7. 

"No, Naruto. Orange is much better for you. It suits your personality well." Kurama said. 

"Hmm, if you say so, Foxy." Naruto said  as Kurama got a tick mark on his head. 

"Never ever call me that. You understand?" Kurama said angrily. 

"Calm down Kurama!" Naruto said in a sheepish manner. 

5 minutes later

"Ohayo Naruto!" The blond jumped up startled. 

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING? SNEAKING UPON LIKE THAT!" Naruto shouted angrily as Kakashi just ignored him and continued to read his book. 

"Huh! Were you saying something?" Kakashi asked. 

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