34. Gaara of the Sand

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"And that's what you have to do. Is that understood?" Baki instructed the Anbu, who immediately nodded. 

Man, why did have to take this job? Baki thought as he heaved a long sigh. What made me accept the offer of this painstakingly boring position?

A toad suddenly appeared on the table, catching the man completely off guard. He fell down from the chair and this created a noise, drawing the attention of the guards present outside the room.

"Message for the Kazekage: Jiraya and his apprentice will be appearing at the gates of the Sand Village very soon." The toad then disappeared without elaborating further and not caring even about the Kazekage who was still on the ground with his eyes forming a spiral shape. 

A few minutes later

"Kazekage sama. Can we come in?" A female voice requested calmly from the outside. It was the voice of Temari.

Baki quickly jumped up from the floor in such a manner that his butt fell right on the sit before quickly bringing his chair near to his desk. "Come in." 

The three famous siblings of the Sand walked into the room with the redhead standing in the middle. 

"We would like to receive the legendary Sennin and Naruto," Gaara stated emotionlessly. But his siblings and his sensei knew that he was willing to meet Naruto. 

"Alright, you may go and receive the leaf Ninjas. Gaara, I want you to stay for a few moments." Baki said as Temari and Kankuro walked out of the room, wondering why their sensei wanted to talk with Gaara. 

After the door was shut closed, Baki took out a scroll and said "Before I give you the scroll, I want to know one thing."

"Hmm." Gaara hummed emotionlessly. 

"Do you want World Peace or not?" Baki enquired and Gaara sighed.

"Since I have never been to war, I don't know the horrors of the war. Of course, I took part in the Leaf Invasion but that doesn't count as I didn't see the people's suffering since my battle with Naruto happened in the stadium and outside the Leaf Village. So, I couldn't get the time to see the pain and suffering. I am in no position to judge whether the world needs peace or not. It's like asking a man, who is deprived of sunlight since he was born, whether the sunlight is hot or not." Gaara answered honestly as Baki sighed.

"Don't sigh sensei as I am not finished yet." Baki then looked pointedly towards the redhead. "As an heir to the Kazekage's throne, I have to study History, Economics and Politics. From the knowledge of these subjects, I can tell that if there is peace around the world, then the nations would progress economically and socially. Also, the nation's interests and sovereignty will be preserved unless there is a border conflict or other relevant incidents. Therefore, in order to ensure the development of Sand Village, I desire world peace." Gaara admitted as Baki hid a joyful smile while opening the scroll.

"There have been many alliances to ensure the shinobi world peace but all of these have met with failures due to the lack of shared goals of these nations. The members of these alliances were either the Kages who would do something that would jeopardize world peace or representatives who only desired to work for their own villages. Another factor of failure was that the representatives and the leaders had nothing in common." Baki then paused while he went through the scroll.

"A few days ago, a letter came to me. And I believe that it will be the golden staircase leading to the door of world peace. This is about an organisation which is striving for the creation of shared goals. And I want you to join it." Baki said as Gaara opened his mouth.

"Sensei, I don't understand how will I be able to join this huge organisation without having a  significant position. True that I am the heir to the throne of Kazekage but that doesn't count at all since I am not yet the Kazekage. Shouldn't you take the seat or select some other representative?" Gaara asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2022 ⏰

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