28. Mist Village

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"That was amazing, Oba chan! You managed to defeat Orochimaru and Kabuto." Naruto yelled as he saw Tsunade after his initial recovery.

It has been 3 days since they fought against Orochimaru and Kabuto who approached Tsunade with the intention to recruit her into Sound Village. Even though the Wise Snake Sanin already knew the outcome, he was still determined to add her to his army as a Medic ninja

Fortunately for the Leaf, Naruto, Jiraya, Tsunade and Shizune managed to defeat both the Sound Ninjas.

"Yes. Thanks to you, I managed to overcome my fear of blood and my past. I am finally ready to become the Hokage!" Tsunade declared as Naruto huffed at the words. "What's wrong, brat?" Tsunade enquired.

"Nothing. Just that Jiji is still going to be much better than an old lady who likes to drink and gamble. I don't trust the Leaf in the hands of a gambler. Who knows? You may even sell the whole village to an enemy as a bet." Naruto said as Jiraya and Shizune sighed at the same time.

"Look brat! If you want to keep your motor mouth running, then you have to win against me in the second duel."

"Ok! When will it take place?" Naruto asked as Tsunade smirked.

"Right here and right now," Tsunade said as she ran towards Naruto who smirked.

[Crystal style: Crystal pikes]

Tsunade ran in a zig-zag direction to avoid the pikes and Naruto quickly took out his crystal blade only for Tsunade to quickly avoid the blow and break it, before raising her hand with her forefinger ready to deliver a blow.

Not this again! Naruto thought as he closed his eyes only to feel a soft object touching his forehead. Opening his eyes, he realised that... The blonde kissed him on his forehead.

"You lose again!" Tsunade said in a cheerful voice while Naruto just stood there, still recovering from the surprise before Jiraya hit him on his back, bringing him back to his senses.

"Gaki! Don't be attracted to her. You already have a loved one waiting for you to return home." He whispered but Tsunade heard him.

"Loved one? Who is she? Or is it a he?"

"I DON'T SWING THAT WAY!" Naruto yelled. " Besides Tenten is not a girlfriend of mine. She is..."

"I don't remember mentioning her name," Jiraya said as Naruto looked shocked.

"Nevertheless, she is..."

"Just a friend. Yeah! Yeah! As if we are supposed to believe that. Come back after you hit puberty and we will see 'bout it." Shizune cut Naruto off, rolling her eyes while the other adults hummed in agreement.

"Huh? Puberty? What's that?" Naruto asked as Jiraya looked at the idiot and sighed.

"Is he an idiot?" Shizune whispered into Jiraya's ear. Jiraya just sighed again in response. 

"Anyways, Come on... let's return back to the Leaf. Everyone's waiting for us." Naruto said as Tsunade nodded. 

A few days later 
17km from Leaf Village

"Ero Sennin. I was wondering what will happen if we, the jinchurikis, form an alliance." Naruto asked as Jiraya put his hand under his chin. 

Both of them were sitting in a hotel room and waiting for Tsunade and Shizune to come back from their errands. 

"That's quite difficult to achieve. As long as the Jinchurikis don't threaten the peace and the sovereignty of the Elemental Nations, it will be fine I believe." Jiraya said. 

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