15. Preliminary arc- part 1

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Sakura vs Kagari

The digital board flashed the names as Sakura pulled her gloves with a smirk and disappeared in cherry blossoms.

She reappeared in the middle of the arena almost immediately with the cherry blossoms dancing around her as she smirked.

Naruto just watched with keen eyes.

Kagari just jumped towards the arena with a kunai in his hands and twirled it by its hole.

I think that I need to concentrate on this match as I need to know how powerful my opponents are. Naruto thought as he leaned against the railing.

"Yo Naruto." He heard Kakashi calling him. "Short time no see."

"Kakashi sensei. How powerful is Sakura compared to when we last saw her?" Naruto asked.

"Not even a reply to my greeting. I am hurt. Anyways, I dunno." Kakashi said nonchalantly as Naruto looked at Sasuke who walked towards him before leaning against the railing.

"Oi Dobe." Sasuke said as Naruto and Kakashi looked at him in a cautious manner. "I just came here to offer an olive branch until we get to fight each other. What do you say?" Sasuke asked as Naruto just stayed silent, with his eyes on the match.

Why is that bastard offering me an olive branch. Something is really fishy. Naruto thought.

"Very well. I accept." Naruto said after a pause.

In the meantime as Sasuke turned back, he touched his eyes and pulled out a lens to reveal an activated sharingan.

Naruto. You have fallen into my trap but I will not yet use you. Not yet. Sasuke thought.

Sasuke just stayed silent as Hayate raised his hand to signal the beginning of the fight.

Kagari quickly brought his hands on the ground and immediately the whole arena was filled with water, causing Hayate to quickly jump on the high ground to be safe.

The man in strange yellowish white jumpsuit quickly started creating clones out of water causing Sakura to quickly retreat to a safe distance.

"What is that technique?" Tenten exclaimed.

"That is his nature transformaton ability. Using this one can create transform any element into whatever the user wishes. This is getting interesting." Kakashi said.

Sakura carefully looked at Kagari's clone before going through handsigns and bringing her hand on the ground.

Immediately, multiple cherry blossoms covered the whole arena and Sakura suddenly vanished.

Kagari desperately looked for Sakura before feeling a punch in his gut and he fell down on the ground unconscious.

Hayate raised his hand after making sure that Kagari was unconcious to signal the end of the match.

"Winner of the 1st match is Sakura." Hayate announced.

Tch. What a disappointment! I was hoping to learn more about her ability. Naruto thought before carefully taking a deep breath.

"Well done Sakura." Sasuke praised as Sakura perked up and smiled at Sasuke for the first time.

"Thank you Sasuke kun." Sakura said as Sasuke turned around and smirked. Everything was going according to his plan and if he waits for the correct opportunity, he will be able to seize half of the Konha 12 to his side.

Soon, the water was cleared up and Hayate announced for the next match.

"And now, the next match is Neji vs Naruto. Will the requested ninjas please come down on the arena?"

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