11. Meeting Rock Lee ;The Chunin exams begin

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The sounds of foot falling on the ground was suppressed by the other sounds of the village as our beloved blond ran across the streets filled with chaos of the market.

I must hurry up. I cannot wait for the exams to begin. Naruto thought as he continued to run through the streets. 

He soon arrived outside the hall carrying a ticket in his hands. 

"Hmm, so you have finally arrived?" He heard a familiar voice on his back which surprised him.

Turning around, he exclaimed "Kakashi sensei?!" 

"Yo!" Kakashi said as he raised one of his hands with an eye smile.

"How did you arrive earlier than me?" 

"Well, excuse me for not arriving late." Kakashi retorted sarcastically before switching his mood. "Anyways, keep going. You do not want to be late for your first exams. Do you?" Kakashi said as Naruto grinned before going through the door. 

On the second floor, he noticed two senior genins blocking the way to the room which created a lot of chaos. 

Suddenly, his eyes fell on a certain team comprising of a bowl cut haired boy, a knuckleheaded boy who was supposed to be an emo and a girl with her hair tied in two bun.

He smirked as he saw Neji helping Tenten and Lee to realize that they were in disguise. 

Deciding not to help the others since it was a test to weed out the weakest ones seemed the right choice to Naruto so he walked past the genins arguing against the two chunins in disguise.

They cannot even see that it is a genjutsu. Pathetic genins must have impossible dreams. Naruto thought as he continued to walk towards the Exam hall. 

He was just about to walk away when he heard his name called by someone. 

"You must be Naruto Uzumaki. Nice to meet you. I am Rock Lee and I can see that the flames of youth burning bright in your body." Lee said as he punched the air. 

"Nice to meet you. How can I help you?" Naruto asked quite unsure of what to say.

"Well, Naruto kun. I have heard that you are a crystal user. I would like to challenge a spar against you." Lee said as Naruto started thinking

Obito told me about this guy. I have to be careful of not underestimating him. Naruto thought as he turned towards Lee and said "Very well. I accept your challenge." 

Lee smirked as he rushed towards Naruto who quickly took out a crystal blade and attempted to slash it across his left arm by bringing it down only for Lee to vanish in thin air and appear behind Naruto.

The blond's eyes widened before quickly using substitution to come behind Lee. 

Rock Lee is an impressive opponent! Naruto thought as he quickly appeared behind Lee holding the blade on his neck. 

"Yield!" Naruto said with a cold demeanor. 

Lee did nothing as Naruto continued to restrain him

"How can an after image yield when I am already behind you?" The blond suddenly heard a voice behind him before being launched into the air..

He felt Lee behind him as Naruto continued to fly in the air. 

"And I shall prove with this technique that effort exceeds genius." Naruto swore that he saw the bandages opening but before it could even bind him, he heard a sound. 

[SFX: Thud!]

Naruto fell down to the ground with a loud bang before a tortoise scolding Lee. 

Impressive. Did he just managed to defeat me? Naruto thought as he nursed his pain before walking to the tortoise which turned into white smoke to reveal a man wearing a green spandex.

"WHAT THE-? WHO THE HELL ARE YA SUPPOSED TO BE, BUSHIER BROWS?" Naruto shouted as the man smiled gracefully. 

"ME? I AM THE LEAF'S BLUE BEAST! I AM EVEN STRONGER THAN MY YOUTHFUL OPPONENT KAKASHI." Might Guy boasted as Naruto's eyes widened in surprise.

Did he just say that he is stronger than Kakashi sensei? I have to ask Obito about it. Naruto mentally noted, knowing that Obito fought against Konoha in his previous life. 

"And who are you?" Guy asked with a friendly grin.

"I am Naruto Uzumaki, student of Kakashi sensei." And Obito sensei. "Pleased to be your acquaintance." Naruto said as he bowed down to show respect.

"Oh! No need to bow down." Guy said waving his hand in a frantic manner.

"Anyways, I have to keep going." Naruto said as he walked away along with Lee who followed him. "Will meet you again."

"Well Lee, that was impressive. I have heard that you don't have any ability to use ninjutsu or genjutsu." Naruto said as Lee smiled.

"That's correct. My dream is to prove that effort exceeds genius. What's yours?" Lee enquired.

"Mine? My dream, well you see, is to become a Hokage and to help the village to reach its glory." Naruto said.

"Hmm, that's a great dream. I hope that you achieve it, Naruto kun." Lee said.

"Hey Lee! Where were you all these time? We were searching for you." They heard Tenten's voice voice.

"Sorry Tenten. I was just testing out your youthful teammate." Lee said as they reached the room where they met Kakashi who was reading his so called "masterpiece".

"Ah! So you passed that first test. Congratulations." Kakashi said in a lazy voice as he motioned for other genins to leave the room.

"Thank you Kakashi sensei." Naruto said.

"Naruto" Kakashi said with a hint of anxiety in his voice "Are you sure that you want to take the test? I mean a lot of genins have died while taking the exams."

"Kakashi sensei! Don't worry about me. I will give the exams and kick everyone's asses and even help mr one to recover from the madness. This should be nothing to me if I want to become the greatest Hokage even greater than fourth stone faced guy. BELIEVE IT!" Naruto said as he laughed internally for how he referred to his dad. Hell he could even hear Kurama laughing inside him.

Kakashi closed his eyes with a smile on his hidden lips and said "I believe you, Naruto. I think that we have spent much time. Now go and make me proud as a sensei. Be careful as you are the only one who has no teammate like Itachi was when he was forced to give the exams when he was 10."

Naruto looked at him wide eyed, moved by how much the copy eyed nin cared about him and a smile made its way through his lips before Kakashi disappeared in a swirl of leaves which fell down on ground.

Sensei. Don't worry about me cuz I am going to kick everyone's asses and become a chunin. I am sure that you will be proud of me as you are the one with whom I share bonds most besides Obito and Jiji. Naruto thought as he opened the door and saw the light engulfing him.

Kakashi: Well, about the fight between my cute little student and Rock Lee, Shay san took the scenes from the original one but replaced Sasuke with Naruto and changed it a little.

Obito: Also, about the next chapter, there is a little possibility that Shay san might delay the chapter as he has a lot of assignments from the school.

Kakashi: Not as always keep your eyes open for the next chapter and....

Obito: PEACE OUT!!!

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