The opposite of break-up.

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Naruto POV -

'Who could be calling her at this late hour? I'm sure it's not Sasuke, as that teme sleeps at 11PM sharp. It's almost 12.30. I hope it's not her boyfriend. Ahh who am I kidding of course it must be him, I still can't believe she has boyfriend, nobody deserves her!! Maybe if I lean on the door, I can hear their conversation and maybe his name. Jeez I sound so creepy, Pervy sage would be prod of me.' He thought.

He went and leaned on the door in hopes of catching glimpse of her mysterious phone call.

"Hello Kiba, what's up" he heard her say. He heard Kiba's name and his blood started boiling like crazy with anger! How could Kiba go after his girl. How did Sasuke ever allow this to happen. Why did Hinata choose Kiba of all people. He's an idiot, he doesn't deserve Hinata. I should have punched him whenever I had the chance. 'I knew that asshole had an eye for her, damn it all, he wouldn't have acted on his crush if I was around her. I shouldn't have left her. Damn it, damn it all!!' he cursed at himself internally.

He couldn't bear to hear any more of their conversation, he came back and finished the delicious ramen and sat uncomfortably. He wanted to leave. Hinata came back after 5 mins to see Naruto Already finish his food and sitting looking all angry.

"Did anything happen? You look uncomfortable." She asked him.

"Yeah, I'm just tired, I should go back to my room now. Thank you for the food, Hinata, I guess I'll see you around. Good night." He said with an expressionless face and left her standing in her room, he left even before she could reply to him.

Hinata POV -

'Umm what just happened to Naruto, I thought we were doing fine...... Oh no! did Naruto hear the phone call? Does he know about me and Kiba! Damn it I should have told him. Baka Hinata! Well tomorrow I'm going to explain to him...... as he too is clearly dating Shion, it's only fair I have a boyfriend and move on too....... right...? Damn this is hard!' She mentally scolded herself.

She cleaned her dishes and went to sleep hugging the little orange fox in her arms. "Good night Kurama" she whispered and drifted off to sleep.

The next day –


Hinata's roommate was silent the whole morning. She thought Shion must have died or something by chocking because usually she is a very disruptive person during morning. Although Hinata didn't want anything to do with Shion, she almost walked away, but Hinata being the kind hearted soul she is, knocked on Shion's door waiting for an answer. When she heard no answer, she announced that she's coming in. 

Luckily, she decided to check up on Shion, as she was not doing well. Hinata placed her palm on Shion's forehead to feel her burning, she had come down with a high fever. Hinata rushed to the bathroom and brought a towel soaked with cold water and placed on Shion's forehead, she even went on to make her sick room-mate some chicken soup. 

As soon as the soup was ready, he brought it to Shion and tried to woke her up. Shion woke up and with heavy eyes thanked Hinata and ate the soup in silence.

"Just because you helped me, don't start thinking I'll be nice to you from now." Shion said drowsily.

"I wouldn't expect you to be too" Hinata replied.

"Always winning with a better comeback princess, wait till I get better" Shion teased with a genuine smile on her face. She was really thankful to Hinata for taking care of her. Even though she would never say it to her face, Hinata could tell by the look on Shion's face.

"Do you want me to call your boyfriend over? He would be worried about you, he did carry you here last night..." Hinata's voice trailed off.

"Oh, Naruto, no, he's not my boyfriend, he's just a friend, although I wished we could be more, seems like he gave his heart to another girl. Don't worry about me, I'll be just fine, just need to get through toady and thanks to you soup I already feel better" Shion grinned.

Almost is never enough - A NaruHina storyWhere stories live. Discover now