Stay with me..

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Naruto POV –

"Am I dead? Is this heaven? But how did I make it to heaven? The last thing I remember is bright headlights and tires screeching towards me. Ahhh man! I wish I could see her one more time. My Hina. My beautiful Hina. I should have told her how I felt, I should have apologized to her, I should have told her I loved her since the first day I laid eyes on her, I should have......" he sobbed, tears on his face falling like rain. 

Just then in the white of his conscious he saw the long-haired bluenette walking in the middle of a tree covered road, he immediately recognized who it was. He screamed "Hinata!" to ger her attention. She seemed to hear him and turn! 

He could see her beautiful face, her pale purple eyes, which he had come to adore oh so much, the tint of pink spread across her nose and cheeks due to the cold, her frozen hands without gloves, her beautiful hair flowing freely across her shoulders, he saw her and smiled at her. Smiled at her stubbornness for not wearing gloves for which he knew the exact reason. But she saw no one and kept walking. He panicked and called out again, but his attempt was in vain as she disappeared suddenly.

He was in agony. He wanted more time with her, he regretted not making her smile every day, he regretted no telling her, he regretted a lot of things. He started shouting into the white void, "let me out of here, I want to leave, I want to live, I want to see my Hina, please..." he sobbed. 

Suddenly he heard the monitor beeping to a flatline, he was giving up, he didn't want to, but his mind was shutting down. He felt a hand hold him, a blur of pink hair, asking him to come back, begging him to stay. He ran towards her with all his might and then suddenly she too disappeared. He stood there surrounded by nothingness. 

Feeling heavy he laid down and closed his eyes.

After what seemed like seconds, he felt a ball hit his face, he jolted from his position and screamed in pain. "Ouch! What was that!" he could hear faint laughing, "Sasuke teme!" he saw a blurred Sasuke laughing. 

He was gaining more conscious and became more aware towards his surroundings, he was on a football field with the ball in his hand and he saw his friends Sasuke, Kiba, Lee, Choji, Neji, Shikamaru and Shino. 

"Wait, what's happening? Is this real? Am I alive, why am I on a football field, why are my friends here, why do they look younger? Choji definitely lost some fat." He laughed. "What are you laughing at? And did you just call me fat? Its muscles you asshole and I'm going to kill you!" Choji charged towards him with his hand balled into a fist. Thankfully Shikamaru held him from behind and stopped him just at the right time saying "What a drag". 

"Sasuke, how hard did you hit Naruto with the ball, he seems to have lost it" mocked Neji. "Guys I don't know what going on here" was the last thing Naruto said before fainting.

Seems that Naruto's subconscious mind is replaying the past events of his life, particularly to the day he first met Hinata. 

A/N : Finally Naruto POV :P

Get ready for some flashback memories next chapter.  

Ohh I'm just getting started on cheesy NaruHina moments, hehe, not too cheesy though jk. 😉

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