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Vilest:"wait this is new"

Evan:"I know we watched a bit before getting here"

Jax:"Yea, it was fun"

Deku:"what is it?"

Evan:"An interesting AU"

"so you know how Midoriya's quirk was passed down to him"

Everyone nods to this

Evan:"do you know what was his quirk before that?"

Many stay in silence as they ask each other about this, what was the quirk of their green haired friend, but one person stood up from all, this being Bakugo who decided to raise his hand and give an answer.

Evan:"go on Bakugo...i know you know the right answer"

Bakugo:"he was quirkless"

"this is the why compared to anyone else, Deku is the one who needs to grow the most, he didnt knew what he needed to perfect to become stronger, he didnt have much to guide himself and neither did a motivation to train."

"He's a natular supercomputer, but it was no quirk"

Many stay even more silent as some look at Deku who simply nods to this comment from their friend as they try to think of what to do about this information to take in.

Evan:"Well this world Izuku stayed quirkless but there's a huge twist to it"

"because in this universe"

"he did not became the greatest hero, if not the World's Greatest Vigialnte"


Evan:"Do you want to say it Deku?"

Deku:".....aight okay.....I was....planning in becoming a Vigilante if I was to be rejected by UA only for being quirkless and since it was my only chance...I had hope to succeeding"

"but if I didnt....I may've ended up working with Stain or some stuff like that"


Deku:"because I know even better than him the existance of Fake Heroes"

"One time I was being beaten for being quirkless and a hero only came to see what was happening and take pictures while laughing at me"-this comment made everyone silent as Deku just stayed there...serious-"I knew for years that not all heroes are what they say to be, this is why I follow Stain's belief but I dont follow the reason of killing them."

"Death frees the sinner to a free world we can't reach, but if he's alive in jail, he gets to repent, remember his sins, slowly realize how idiotic he was... this is why I find killing more wrong than anything"

Everyone looks at him shocked as they were not expecting such answer from him, he really knows the world's cruelty better than anyone.

Aizawa:"Me and you are having a talk once were back at UA"


Evan:"Okay so simple, Izuku is quirkless, he's a vigilante and he has been insanely agile and quick due to his sensei training him as much as possible, due to this he has beaten some members of the League of Villian on his own by using his mind and following some words from Gran Torino, 'make your sorroundings your weapon', which is just what he does."

"UA has been trying to catch him for a while but have failed misserably because he simply escapes them cuz they think he has a quirk so they always send Aizawa who Izuku has analize enough times he knows his fighting pattern so Aizawa can barely give him a fight, he also has some contacts at UA who help him with multiple stuff and he is also known as The Hunting Shadow due to no one ever seeing his face, not even his eyes which he uses contact lens for."

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