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Evan:-starts playing.-"NOT A SINGLE MOMENT TO BREATHE!!"

Kirishima:"Jeez, someone sure wants to show us ey?"

Vilest:"He's in a mood, what are you showing them by the way?"





Some buildings could be seen being toppled down to the surprise of many, a red flash could be seen within one of them going all over the place and causing nothing but a certain panic to go through everyone due to what they were witnessing.

The lights only intensified by the second, growing stronger as flames seemed to accompany it while a group of people seemed to be looking down from their ship as the continous battle inside of the building didn't seem to come to an end before all of a sudden, no lights could be witnessed.

There was a silence, all before a loud scream came from the same building where all the lights were.


A massive explosion ensued, letting them all see someone be sent flying out of the building that had a newly formed hole on its side as they could see the figure fly a distance before crashing right into it and barely being able to recover.

"Still doesn't pay back for everything you did to my meal."

The man in a red costume said, it having a jolly roger on both the helmet, chest and corners in the neck of the jacket as he held onto a saber and flintlock pistol, both looking rather different and unique in their own respective as both also had the Jolly Roger.

A rope suddenly appeared next to the man as he got a hold of it and his costume dissappeared into a red energy as the ship above him moved towards the parking lot.

The person in the ground was trying their best to stand up, clearly finding a severe struggle on doing so as it was shown to be a green haired boy like the one everyone is familiar with. His costume was more villain like, having a mask that brought Class 1-A memories of Nine and the incident in the island where they had to deal with him.

The mask itself was broken, his costume nearly completely tattered and his injuries barely healing, the greenete seemed desperate and really at his limit at the moment as he looks up to see a group of five land right in front of him with eyes of determination set right on top of him.

"W-what the hell...? Just how strong... can a few variants be...?"

"Variants? You sure don't understand anything you're doing."

The man who had been wearing the red costume said while walking up front, showing to be wearing a red pirate coat and an eyepatch in his left eye, his looks showed time had been getting a little out of him, but no exhaustion could break the unstoppable spirit still present within him as he could only have a wide smile on his face that was all accompanied with his surprisingly long green hair.





Deku:"Me again!"

Aizawa:"Just what the hell is going on...?"-he said with a tone of confusion everyone else in the room had.-




"Just another mindless thinker that believes that other worlds have got to be the same as theirs. Stop seeing it all so boring already!"

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