Chapter Six

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I kicked off my shoes and ran into the cool water. I was at the lake near our house with Cleo. I felt the pebbles beneath my feet as I walked in up to my knees. I bent down and ran my fingers over the top of the water. It was a hot day and there wasn't a single coud in the sky. I was roasting.

I felt for the drop off, and then dived in head first. Cool water surrounded my sun burned body. It felt wonderful. I propelled myself upward, and took a deep gasp at the top. I floated and looked around.

"Cleo!" I called to her. She looked up from her blanket. "Come swim!"

"No thanks!" she called back. I shrugged and looked around the shore.

The forest was steaming hot, and so was the sand on the shore. Everything was hot today- even the water felt a little warmer than it usually did. I ducked back under and swam beneath the waves. I felt with my fingers the moss at the bottom of a rock, then kicked off the rock. I took another breath and started to swim back to the shore to Cleo.

I crawled to the hot sand and pebbles, onto my blanket. I squeazed my hair and drew downward, getting some of the water out.

"You should go in there." I told her.

"Why? I don't want to get stinky from all that seaweed." Cleo wrinked her nose. "I'm fine here, thanks." I nudged her arm playfully.

"Little kitty afraid of water?" I teased.

"No!" she said indignanty. "I just don't feel like swimming today, that's all."

"On a day like this?" I said unbelievingly. I guestered around us. "Today is the perfect day to go for a swim in the lake. This lake is my mom's special place, so you have to go."

"No you don't."

I nodded and smiled. "Yes you do. Just for a minute. Please!"

Cleo sighed heavily and stood up. She took off her sandels and looked down at me. "Do I have to?" she wined. I nodded and waved her on. She walked into the water and recoiled, but kept on wading in.

She screamed and her head went under. I rushed to my feet and called out franticalled, "Cleo?"

Her head reappeared, and she wiped her eyes.

"I forgot to tell you there's a drop off." I smiled sheepishly. Cleo glared at me and swam to the center of the lake. Then she turned around and looked at me.

"Like this?" she called out.

"Yeah!" I yelled. "You can come back now!"

Just as she swam back, I noticed something move in the bushes. I turned to look at the rustling bush. 

   Suddenly stepped out a person. And no other than Evan, of course. He ran forward and let out a holler before jumping into the lake. I covered my eyes against the splash. I glared at him as he started to swim towards Cleo. He smiled and said something to her before ducking beneath the water.

   "What the heck are you doing here?" I yelled when he resurfaced. He spit out some water like a fountain and ducked beneath the water again. I stood up and walked over to the shore as Cleo swam towards me.

She climbed out of the water to greet me with a happy look on her face. "Evan's here!" she said. 

"Why?" I nearly screamed in her face. Slowly, she got a defensive look. "Who said he could be here?"

"Me, but I-"

"Cleo!" I cried. I covered my ears with my hands in frustration. I turned back to her. "I told you never to bring anybody here! Let alone Evan. You know I don't like him."

Cleo's eyes narrowed. "Well, I didn't know!"

"Yes you did!" I said. I let out a growl of frustration and anger and I kicked the sand.

"I'm sorry, Prim." Cleo said desprately. Then Evan swam ashore and climbed up to meet us. He walked over and stood beside her. I heard him ask her, "Why am I so crazy?"

 I whipped around and pointed a finger at Evan. "Go away! This is my mom's lake. Not yours!"

"I never said it was mine. I am just visiting." Evan said calmly, shrugging.

I turned my furious gaze to Cleo. "You knew! You knew ever since I brought you here that this was my mother's lake, and nobody was allowed here. This is one of the few things my mother has from when she was little. And I plan to keep it like this!"

"Woah," Evan waved his hands at me. "Don't get mad at Cleo. I am the one who asked what you guys were doing today. I'll leave if you really want me to."

"I do!" I told him. "Get out now." I pointed in the direction he came in. Evan chuckled and started walking towards the forest trail. Cleo stared after him, and then snapped her gaze towards me.

"Why are you so mean. Prim?" Cleo asked angrily. "I didn't know-"

"For the last time, Cleo, you did know!" I said, my anger melting. I suddenly realized how jerky I was acting. "Look. I'm sorry for yelling."

"You know what?" Cleo said stiffly. "I'm going to hang out with Evan. He's going to treat me better than you are." She bent down and snatched up her blanket. Feeling guilty, I tried to stop her by putting a hand on her shoulder. But she shrugged it off and stomped after Evan.

I looked after her, then I buried my face in my hands. Oh, why did I just do that? I don't know what just gotten into me. I guess, the sight of Evan made me mad. I really didn't have a right to go after Cleo like that. I'll talk to her sometime, and apologize if she'll listen. 

Mad at myself, I picked up my towel and threw it across my shoulders. I slowly walked towards our house, not looking back at the lake.

--guys, I am so sorry this is so short! I am having diffiulties because I am using my computer and tablet to write this story, so it got mixed up and deleted half my story. I will make the future chapter longer, I promise!

Sorry for the short chapter,


Primrose MellarkWhere stories live. Discover now