Chapter Thirty- One

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   My shoulder feels as though somebody has taken a wooden bat, and hit me multiple times. Evan's so heavy, and my leg is about to give out. About half-way there, Evan started walking for himself, limping a little, but I'm limping more. With every step, I think that I'm going to collapse. I can see Evan keep on watching me with worry, but I keep my head high to show him I can make it.

   That was before I passed out.

   I don't remember much of it, only that I can feel the ground swaying, and then it comes rushing up to meet me before I black out. 

   Now, I'm laying on. . . a table? I drowzily look over, and see three Evans all staring at me, then after a moment, they all close together, making one Evan. My head hurts terribly, and I feel as though I might fall under sleep again any moment.

   "Prim?" I hear my name being called from a worried voice.

   I look over and groan, grasping my head. "What. . . what happened?"

   He puts a hand to my forehead, and pulls back. "You passed out. I thought I was going to, when i saw how frail you were walking. I carried you home after you fell to the ground. Home, as in Gale's cabin." He smiles, and holds my hand, entwining my fingers with his. I get the strength to sit up, but my hands have to go to the sides of the table to hold myself up. I feel absoultly horrible. Then I remember.

   "Did you find Gale?" I ask weakly.

   Evan looks at me sadly. "I'm sorry, Prim. I don't know where he is. He didn't tell me."

  Great. No idea where Gale is, right when we need him. I hold his hand with my other hand. Now two of mine are over his hand. I look up at his cheek.

   "Are you okay?' I ask. "Does it hurt?"

   Evan makes a painful laugh. "Actually, I should be worried about youself. You lost a lot of blood. I had to get a bandage on it with my shirt." I suddenly realize that he's not wearing a shirt over himself. Only bare skin. Even though it was covered during the explosion, even under his clothes he was dirty and smelt like machine gas. I look down at my leg, to see his gray shirt wrapped around it, the faintest of blood starting to seek out.

   "Sorry I ruined your shirt," I say to him.

  He reaches out and ruffles my hair. "Don't worry about it, cupcake." For once, I'm actually happy to hear his nickname for me. I suddenly feel a jolt of dizzyness, and Evan seems to notice. He gently lays me down on the table, and I groan. Everythings churning.

   Something gets Evan's attention. He looks around, then out the window. He gets up to see fully outside. I slowly turn my head, to see his gaze go upwards, to the sky. His gaze narrows.

   "What?" I ask weakly. "What is it?"

   "Hovercrafts," he says distantly. "Two, no, three hovercrafts just landed in the field where the guards and workers are." I sit up quickly, but that causes blood to rush to my head, and the throbbing in my head increases.

   "We have to go check it out," I croak, and swing my feet over the edge of the table. Evan quickly rushes over to me and holds me against the table, looking into my eyes.

   "No, Prim." he says firmly. "You have to stay here. Whatever it is, it probably doesn't include us."

   "Then you go," I say. "We need to see."

   Pain flickers across his gaze, but it's not from his cheek wound. "I can't leave you. Not like this, Prim. We can stay here." I frown.

   "Please, go, Evan!" I say firmly. "Or else I will."

   He pauses, then sighs. "Prim, do I really have to? I don't want to leave you by yourself."

   I raise my hand up and grasp his. "Evan, I will be okay. If you can, just go down to the field and see what's the matter. We need to know. Or else, I will." Evan's eyes are a mixture of pain and worry. I put on a smile--that litterally causes my whole face to get even more sore, but I ignore the pain-- and squeeze his hand. He finally sighs and looks away.

   "Fine," he says. "But you have to stay here! No getting up."

   "I promise," I say to him, letting go of his hand. But then I quickly stop him, smiling. "Um, Evan? A shirt, maybe?" He looks down at his chest, as if he realized he's bare. I hand him my jacket, and he zips it up with a grateful nod. He stands to his feet, and he bends down and kisses my on my forehead, before walking out the cabin door, and silently shuts the door. I sigh and stare up at the ceiling. I wish he would be careful. But, I have to remind myself over and over, that he's silent on his feet. But the possiblites of what is in that hovercraft all ramble in my brain. More guards, killers, bombs. Nothing good comes to mind.

   I cross my arms over my stomach. I can feel the faint pulse on it. There's nothing to do here except lay, and think about all the things that could happen to Evan or me. 

   Bear! Where is he? I tied him up in the forest by my cave. My suddenly bolt of terror caused my pulse to quicken, which I'm pretty sure is not good for my leg. I breath slowly and try to calm myself and convince myself at the same time. Bear's alright, he's alright. Nothing's probably happened to him. I close my eyes and try to control my bad thoughts and the racing of my heart. I promised Rye that I would look out for him. . . did I? No, I promised I would keep an eye out for him, in case I spotted him. I did.

   I silently make a promise to him now. I will bring Bear back safe, okay Rye? 

   I know he can't hear me, but I promised, even if I was to myself.

   Evan comes crashing in through the door, a great huge smile plastered on his face. "Right here!" What was he talking about? I suddenly know, as three men come rushing into here, one wearing a. . . was that a doctors outfit, or was I haulusinating? He rushes over to me and puts down his bag. He immediatly pulls up the pant of my leg, and I wince at the touch. He slowly starts to peel away the shirt of Evan's. 

   I turn my head. I'm surprised to see nobody else but Mom, crying as she grabs my hand. "Oh, Primrose!" she cries. "You're safe!"

   "Nearly," I manage to get out, over the gasping of pain as the doctor messes with my wound. She bends down to her knees, so she is eye to eye with me.

   "I'm so sorry!" she says, choking with sadness.

   "Why is it your fault?" I say over my pain.

   "I let you go! I didn't come back for you!" She strokes my hair. 

   I wince one more time, before saying to her, "I wanted to leave. I was fine, until. . . until we blew up the machines. I opened my cut. It's nothing, Mom." She glances down at my leg, then back up at me, her gray eyes clearly surprsied.

   "You, did that?" she asks softly. I nod slowly.

   "Evan did," I say, pointing up at him. "I was. .  the destraction." My voice gets weaker. 

   Mom looks up at Evan. "Who else was helping?"

   "Gale. . ." I say softly. She leans forward, and I have to say it again louder. "Gale came, but didn't show up today." Mother smiles, and shares a look with the other person at the door that came in. I don't have the strength to look up. Instead, I sigh and my eyes start to droop.

    "What's the matter?" mom says, looking up at the doctor. "What's the matter with her? Why is she falling asleep?"

   He reaches out a  calming hand. "It's okay. I'm putting her on a medicine that will knock her out while we carry her back to the hovercraft."

   "Bear!" I suddenly cry out. "We have- have to get him. . . " Again, my head swirls. But this time, it's sort of calming. "Have to untie. . ." That's the last thing I remember, is seeing my mother's gaze, before I fall under blackness once more today.

Primrose MellarkWhere stories live. Discover now