Chapter Eleven

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   Two weeks have passed since we made Bear's cage. Still, I haven't apologized to Cleo. The more time passed, the worse I've felt about it. It was like my guilt was feeding on me, getting bigger the longer I leave it alone.

   But today, I decided I was going to go up to her. I have less than a week to say good-bye, and most of our stuff is already packed into boxes.

   I walked into the kitchen where mom was making something for lunch. I leaned up against the counter and looked at her. She glanced over at me, then rested her gaze back on the sandwiches she was making.

   "What do you need?" she asked.

   "What? How do you know I was going to ask you for something?" I asked her. She looked over at me with raised eyebrows.

   "I have had children for sixteen years." she said. "I know."

   "Well, this time your wrong. I was going to tell you something." I told her, stretching out the word "tell".

   She put down the butter knife and looked at me with her full attention, her gray eyes wide and waiting for me to speak.

   "I am going into town for a few hours." I said quickly.

   "To do what?"

   I looked down. "I need to go see Cleo and tell her something." I felt mom's gaze bore into me.

   "I've noticed you guys have been stiff with each other lately." mom observed. "Usually, you two want to spend everyday together. And what happened to soccer?"

   "It's been canceled." I told her, not answering her other question. "It's not going on until we move to the next town." I turned around so I didn't have to face her. "So can I go? I mean, it's only going to be maybe less than two hours."

   "Well... I suppose." mom said slowly. "But you have to eat something first." She pushed a plate towards me, and I gratefully took the sandwich on it. I ate that in five hungry bites, shoving it in my mouth.

   "Me and my sister were better eaters that you and your brother, and we were starving whenever we ate." Mom smiled. I looked back at her and strugged. 

   I swallowed and said, "What can I say? I love your food you make." I grabbed my bag full of pencils, paper, and a picture of Bear to show Cleo. I swung it over my shoulder and waved to my mom as I opened the door. "See you in two hours or less. If I am longer, I am probably shopping for whatever crosses my attention."

   "Wait, can you stop by and ask your papa what we're eating tonight?" she asked me.

   "Sure thing. 'Bye," I said, and walked out. As I walked across the yard, I checked up on Bear. But I was surprised when I saw Rye playing with him. No- not playing. More like teaching him something. I stopped and peered at them.

   "Rye!" I called. He started, and turned to face me. "Don't teach Bear any tricks, alright?"

   "Why not?" he complained.

   "It'll affect how he hunts when he's older." I called back. I waved to him and I turned around. I found the trail that led to the town, and walked into the cool forest. I carefully followed the trail while I thought.

   I thought about what to say to Cleo. Maybe should I start of with an apology? Yes, then if she forgives me, I will tell her about Bear. That will lighten the mood.

   The only problem I thought of was that Cleo wasn't a huge forgiver. She could hold a grudge for years if she wanted to. Stubborn, some people might call her. But I just believe that she's afraid to get hurt again if she gets to attached to something. Just like when her great grandmom died. I think her name was Hazelle or something. Her mother's name is Sky Hawthorne and her father's name is Rory Hawthorne. 

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