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During sunset in the middle of forest and in the blanks of river Ganga there is boy standing and doing his Suryapooja. But tears were flowing from his eyes continuously. He is none other 14 years old Karna. Today he was rejected by 100th guru from whom he desired to get knowledge on the basis of caste. Just because he is suta he was directly rejected and insulted without giving him a chance to prove his competence. He from childhood was enchanted by weapons unlike other suta kind he finds joy in bow string than reign of horses. Because of it he was outcast among his own community. People have always tried to crush his hopes and dreams to be a warrior. He didn't mind till Guru Drona rejected him and there he vowed to become better than his all students. He left his house two years ago in search of a teacher who is willing to teach him but again all he got was rejection and insult. He has since childhood never shared his sorrow with anyone, not even his mother and father. He know they loved him and if tell them it will do nothing but increase their sadness they especially his mother will cry for me and he couldn't see tears in her eyes. They will blame their fate of being suta, but he never felt any shame in accepting who he is. So he shared all his sorrow and worry with his Aaradhya the one who shows no partiality or never reject anyone, Suryadev. Today was also such day after being rejected 100 th time he decided to finally quit either searching for guru or his dreams to be a warrior. He was child and so many rejection has broken his spirit. He understood no one would ever teach a petty suta anything. He was at bank of river ganga now and he will rest here for night and return to Hastinapur but still it was too much for him to take in so he is here to vent all his anger and frustration. He has special place for Suryadev since his childhood. After Suryapooja,

Karna : Why Suryadev? Why no one is willing to accept me? I have travelled all over Aaryavrat in search of teacher and all got is discrimination and rejection. Is being a duta a sin, if so then why God has given us life? Was it to just serve the Kshatriye and brahman. Answer me Suryadev. Please come here and answer me. Today a devotee is calling you to get his answers.

Kana knelt down and poured his heart out. He was nothing but a child whose all hopes was crushed by the society. He knew there would be no response but he need to do this because he would return Hastinapur and he would have to be strong for his mother. He knew other than him his mother would suffer. She has already cried because her son couldn't get what he want because she was a suta. He never wish for her to cry for him again. He never knew he did something different today in his anger he has called his celestial father who was waiting for his call so as soon as Karna knelt a divine light appeared there and Suryadev himself came there.

Suryadev : Putra Karna, standup.

Karna looked up and saw a divine being standing there. Seeing him he understood he was none other than his ist suryadev. He never expected to see him. He immediately wiped his tears

Karan : Pranipat Suryadev.

Suryadev : Kalyan ho Putra.

Karna : You are here Suryadev. How?

Suryadev : You only called me Putra, you don't know how long I have waited for you to call me to come and meet you.

Karna :  You were waiting for me call you why?

Suryadev : Putra, it is only way I am allowed to meet you. It's rule of nature and nobody could go against it.

Karna : Why did you want to meet me I am nothing but a petty suta, no one is even willing to teach me then why did you want to meet me.

Suryadev : You are not suta Putra, I was waiting to meet you because you are my mortal son. Yes Putra you are my son, you always shared your sorrow with me but I was helpless because I can't meet you after all you are mortal and I am celestial and we are not allowed to interfere with mortal world. Even if it saddened my heart everytime I see you cry but I wasn't able to console you Putra. But today you called me, you didn't know how eager I was for you call me.

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