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As soon as welcome of new kulvadhu happened, immediately a sabha was arranged. The atmosphere of sabha was as tense as it could be because everyone present there know that return of Pandavas especially Of Yudhishthir has created a situation that is unavoidable. The question of who would be yuvraj of Hastinapur. True yudhishthir was coronated first but in last two years the court and people of Hastinapur saw hard work of Duryodhana too. Now the epic problem and delicate situation was present before them. Dhritrashtra, Bheeshma, Vidhur, Dronacharya, kripacharya, Kauravas and Pandavas were as tensed as they could be but there is one person who was both engaged and happy at same time. Enraged because his plan of varnavrat has failed and happy because he saw Bheeshma agitated he knew his nephew wasn't willing to let ho his title so a new choas and chance for him was here. There is one more person who kept blank face but was smiling within. Karna was happy because everything seems to fell in place unknowingly after his talk with Duryodhana, Pandavas immediately arrived and court was summoned which left no opportunity for ghandhar Raj to persuade or sway Duryodhana. He gently patted on shoulder of Ashwatthama who was beside him assuring him everything will be alright.

Dhritrashtra : I am immensely happy of your return my nephews. No words could describe my feelings hearing news news of your well being as well as of sister Kunti otherwise I thought I have failed my late brother Pandu.

Yudhishthir : I and my brother are to return here, tatshree. Though we are away from you all but your blessings were always present with us.

Duryodhana (whispering) : Didn't we already do all this at entrance then what's need for it now.

Karna and Ashwatthama who were able to hear this couldn't suppress their smile.

Vidhur : Maharaj we too are very happy of Pandavas return but now it has created a very delicate situation.

Shakuni : What would that be mahamantri, you are not talking about position of yuvraj are you. My dear nephew is already coronated and we all saw his hard work these two years where Yudhishthir has unresponsibly flung his duties. He instead of coming back here and be Yuvraj left everything without telling everyone and my dear nephew has stepped up in his absence and now asking him to give up his position will be injustice to him.

Vidhur : Ghandhar Raj, I agree with you whole heart that Putra Duryodhana has taken up mantle of Yuvraj and performed his duties exemplary well but Putra Yudhishthir is both Jyeshtha in Kuruvansh and was coronated first. We are in dharmsankt here.

Vidhur words shocked everyone in court none more than Shakuni, Pandavas and Kauravas. Infact after Karna talked to him he slowly realised Duryodhana was not bad and in two years he saw how deligently he worked for betterment of Hastinapur as yuvraj. He saw everything and did a lot of thinking about poison incident, his behaviour towards Kauravas etc, he came to conclusions that it was Shakuni who has poisoned his mind and because of their negligence so these two years both him and Bheeshma had tried to make up for neglect and results were both astounding and shameful. Astounding because they never thought Duryodhana was so capable shameful because they didn't have such confidence in him. The way they decided to handle Shakuni was not give in his word web and show their support to Kauravas as much as of Pandavas.

Pandavas were shocked because they hear endearing in vidhur's tone while addressing Duryodhana like he used for them. They frowned at that because they never thought these two years  would change their Kakashree and Kauravas relationship so much, even their Pitamah nodded at what their Kakashree said. Something else is going on here they thought as they wouldn't side with their conspirators. Either black magic has been performed here or something they would never have thought has happened.

Duryodhana himself was shocked that his Kakashree has openly praised him despite of Pandavas presence. He glanced at Karna who smilingly nodded at him. Duryodhana was happy because his insecurities about everything returning to past hasn't came to be and his hard work were being acknowledged and that make him firm in his decision. He too nodded at his friend.

Shakuni himself was greatly affected because he thought like always with nuetral opinion mahamantri Vidhur would say his point which he can manipulate as him being partial to Pandavas but to his surprise Vidhur has praised Duryodhana more and effectively put out his nuetral and unbiased opinion in a way that it couldn't be contradicted or accused of him being partial. Never the less he can still manipulate the situation as Dhritrashtra would surely be partial to his son.

Shakuni : What you are implying is not right mahamantri, it will injustice to Putra Duryodhana if he was snatched from his deserving post, isn't it Maharaj.

Dhritrashtra was in tough situation, he didn't want Duryodhana to lose this post but if he sided with his son both Vidhur and his tatshree wouldn't let that happen. He was going to say some but Duryodhana stood up. Seeing it tension became palpable in court because everyone was worried what woul he say, Duryodhana lacks the subtlity in words. Vidhur and Bheeshma too became worried.

Duryodhana : Maharaj, I have a solution to this problem. I want to say it.

Dhritrashtra : Please say it, Putra what is is you want to speak.

Duryodhana : Maharaj, I have no problem leaving the position of yuvraj of Hastinapur but I have few conditions for it and I think it will prove beneficial not only for now but in future too.

Everyone was shocked to hear that, Pandavas couldn't believe that Duryodhana was giving them something there must be some conspiracy here they thought, while Vidhur and Bheeshma were hopeful as they saw calm face of Karna. Shakuni couldn't believe his ears, Dhritrashtra too had unbelievable expression. Duryodhana knew what kind of bomb he dropped so silence didn't deter him but instead hake him determined because he saw ease in face of his Kakashree and Pitamah instead of tention. He continued.

Duryodhana : First, I want Anga to be independent.

This shocked everyone even Karna.

Karna : But Mitra....

Duryodhana : Please let me do this Mitra.

Duryodhana : Second I want division of lands equally among both sets of brothers infact i would be happy with land bordering northern panchal and Anga.

Dhritrashtra : Why son....

Shakuni : Duryodhana what are you saying?

Bheeshma: Duryodhana.......

Vidhur was surprised too because he too came in conclusion of division among brother but he didn't think Duryodhana would propose it, he turned towards Karna and saw pride in his face, pride he was of his friends. He understood who was behind it, he was glad.

Duryodhana : Listen to my reasons first everyone.

Bheeshma : Tell me Duryodhana, why you wish division, the kingdom of Hastinapur has passed down from ancestors why do you want to divide it.

Duryodhana : Because Pitamah, I don't think I can ever accept their kingship nither they would be happy and accept our kingship. We will live under same roof but never can be with each other so I think it's better to be far away and have some relations than to be at throat of each of other. Pitamah you have to accept we can't be happy family as you desire it's far too late for us .  I am not saying this because I am scared of them Pitamah never I have my pride as warrior and Kshatriye but now I am married so is Arjun and soon will rest of us.I don't want our children to be same as us.I ask you do you want out next generation to be like us.

It's for these reasons I want this partition Pitamah, please don't deny it if for nothing than for future of Kuruvansh. Also father is temporary king of Hastinapur as he was never coronated along with that as said yudhishthir is eldest, so I want to create a kingdom from scratch, not for anyone else but for my parents especially my mother. Please I request you Pitamah, elders and everyone.

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