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Karna reached Anga, two days later and got busy in his duties. As decided he now donate alms to whoever is in need after his Suryapooja. Anga was running fine but still there were some drawback so Karna was busy in rectifying that. Few days passed and Karna to heard the news of Pandavas and Kunti passing away but he scoffed at it. He knows Vidhur must have informed Pandavas and even if they went to palace, they would be atleast alive. He aslo knew that his friend Duryodhana was crowned as Yuvraj of Hastinapur now. He has mixed feelings about it, first he was happy Duryodhana was getting a chance and second he was worried that when Pandavas return there would be even more collision between them. But one thing was sure that atleast for sometime Duryodhana would be free of his anger and jeolousy of Pandavas considering him dead.

Like this one and half year passed, Anga became a very prosperous kingdom, the living style and quality of people living here has improved to several levels. Karna too was now because known for his Charitable nature. After getting the blessings of Kamdhenu his treasury was never empty it was this reason he made taxation for namesake in his kingdom and gave very generous pay to everyone which has resulted in drastic improvement in his kingdom. Perhaps it was only Kingdom in entire Aaryavrat that has imperial cows at every house hold. Since everyone has wealth their demand of quality of goods has increased which has resulted in production of premium quality products that has skyrocketed the trading. Anga was now very famous for their finished products in entire Aaryavrat because of quality and affordable price. Karna was especially busy in this time he had help of Shravan in administration but for army training he only had himself but that doesn't deter him. He has slowly trained his army to be effective even with the not a very large number. He has trained them in several vyuha and other things. He also spared few of his soldiers daily and give them the pointers. Anga also expanded due to several of his negotions. He maintained relationship with Duryodhana and went to meet him once a month so that he can bring positive influence on him, thinking Pandavas dead Duryodhana was focused on fulfilling his duties, his words did wonders to Vidhur which he never expected. Duryodhana has told him that but only drawback was it reaffirmed his belief that Pandavas were sole reason he was excluded from love of his elders. Karna motivates him to not not to focus on anything except his duties. He has tried to reduce Shakuni constant method to influence Duryodhana. He never cared for Kunti and Pandavas because he was sure they survived and were hiding and it would good for Pandavas to have some hardship according to him.

Today was such day in Anga. Karna woke up and went to banks of river, there were several people already waiting for him and he did his Pooja and few soldiers were already there with trays filled with gold coins. He did his Pooja and distributed the alms to everyone that were present there. Then he came to palace and did his yoga and meditation in his practice ground. Now he only meditates for one hour and after that he practice his weapon skills. He did all that and went for his Sabha. The Sabha of Karna was unique because in his Sabha only his throne was same level as of his Sabha member seats it just his was bigger and beautiful than theirs. The sabha is comprised of representatives of every section of his kingdom. He has especially aranged a seat where representative of woman can sit. The Sabha went as usual due to several harsh ban of several illegal activities in his kingdom it was quite peaceful in his Sabha. The Sabha went on for one hour and several things were discussed but surprisingly no cases of injustice and crime was raised Karna made sure that it was not just ruse, so he regularly disguise himself in several different forms and went to his kingdom to check if there is wrong. Once he went as avid gambler and made a ruckus while playing Dyut with the citizen of his kingdom as they were just playing the game and not betting, it resulted him getting captured and arrested. He was very satisfied with this, similarly he tested school, gardens, hospitals, etc facilities to see any discrimination was happening there, he was pleased with what found out. Only Shravan knew of this. The Sabha was over and karna was going to the army training ground but suddenly a soldier came and informed him that Yuvraj Duryodhana of Hastinapur has came here. Karna was surprised because till now Duryodhana or any other Kururajya royals haven't visited Anga, despite of several invitation Duryodhana hadn't come because bue was busy with his duties as Yuvraj and seeing his performance his responsibilities were increased so why has he suddenly came here now so suddenly it must be something important. Karna told the soldier to escort Duryodhana to his chamber he dispersed his Sabha and went to his chamber and saw Duryodhana was already there and was pacing around the chamber.

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