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The three of them took a good look at the man, messy clothing and unbuttoned collar. His pants were poorly pulled up and sagging on him. "Is that what I fucking think it is?" The boy's mouth dropped, his hands covering it in shock.

No One

"Can you guys atleast give me some goddamn water?" Shinsou glared, earning a peep from Uraraka as she rushed to get him a glass.

"Why the hell were you even running?" Izuku raised an eyebrow, "because I was scared," Shinsou answered, mumbling.

"The Shinsou? Scared? Nah, where's our Shinsou?" The boy began to knock against the man's forehead, earning a blank expression from Asui.

"Here! Come, come. Sit down." Uraraka redirected, walking him over to the couch. The two emeralds followed behind quickly, taking a seat around him.

He took a large sip from his cup, setting it on the coffee table in front him.

"So? You gonna explain?" A hand was swiftly put on Izuku's hip, as he leaned over towards Shinsou.

"Ugh, fine."

"It all started when we were at the cafe. When Uraraka and Midoriya were on one of their cycles, it was just me running the Shop, since Asui had to stay home for moral support," his long explaining had began.

"A customer came in. Really cute, blonde, short, but not as short as Midoriya." "Hey! I'm not that short! I'm five foot five! And a half," the greenette interrupted, glaring at the lavender boy.

"Mhm, yeah, anyways. Like I was saying, this man was cute. Really cute, he had a soft face, too. My heart physically skipped a beat when I saw him, especially when he came up to order. He had these adorable blue eyes."

Izuku stuck his tongue out, rolling his eyes in disgust as he heard his once emotionless friend express the most emotion.

"Long story short, I asked him for his number and I've been sneaking off to seen him for a whole now, w-which is why I'm rarely here."

"I knew it! You both owe me twenty dollars!" The brunette cheered, watching in excitement as the two look alikes pulled out their wallets, handing her twenty dollar bills.

"You guys seriously bet on me?" Shinsou gave a blank, annoyed expression.

"Yup! I knew you'd find an omega soon! I also knew that all that talk about not wanting one was bullshit! Now all we have to do is crack little Izuku out his shell, too!"

"Piss off, don't call me that," the green haired boy walked away, over to the island counter.

"I told you, I don't want a mate. I want to be alone. Every man expect for Shinsou, on this planet are dick heads. I don't want them. They attract to me, not the other way around. I'd like to keep it that way." An apple was gently tossed then caught, bitten into and chewing a large chunk.

"You're the definition of stubborn, Izuku." Shinsou raised an eyebrow, with a smug smirk.
"Oh, go fuck yourself, hypocrite."

"You can't be like this for the rest of your life, y'know? It's good to find a mate!" The brunette once again tried to reassure.

"What don't you understand? I don't want a mate. I hate the idea of even finding one. You guys, out of all people know this, why are you still trying to pressure me into finding a mate?" He gave a sharp glare, taking another chomp of his snack.

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