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⋆⛧*┈┈┈┈﹤୨♡୧﹥ ┈┈┈┈*⛧⋆


"Kacchan," he softly muttered against Katsuki's lips, "I know," he replied. A tighter grip accompanied, continuing to gently and carefully take his time to smother the Omega's lips.

A moment of weakness, it was.

No one

It's been weeks since the incident, Izuku continued to ignore Katsuki. Calls, texts, showing up at work. He purposely changed his shift schedules just to avoid seeing him. It was a mistake, nothing more. Something stupid, the heat of a moment gone wrong.

To him it was nothing more than a silly kiss. No feelings behind it, just a simple gesture. He'd hide it well, no one would ever know, unless Katsuki ended up blabbering.

It was easy to hide things from his pack, they were too oblivious. Obviously, everyone besides Shinsou. He immediately knew something was wrong, but decided to wait it out until further notice, of course he couldn't stand it anymore.

Sneaking around was wrong, but he needed to know. Protecting the youngest and one of the most valuable people in his life meant the world.
The worse that could happen would be getting his neck yelled off by Izuku, though it never really bothered him. He needed to know what was going on, the best ways to provide and help him.


The bell from the doors ringed, the boy's head looking up as he dried a spare dish to put away. "Izuku, come on! I finally got here on time— you've been ignoring everything. Putting your phone on do not disturb? Seriously?" Katsuki leaned over the counter, staring directly at Izuku.

"Hm? That's strange. I never got anything." He replied, scrunching his eyebrows while he turned his back to put away a dish. His hands made their way to his phone, walking from behind the counter and taking a seat at one of the high chairs.

"Don't fucking play dumb!" Katsuki sat down on the opposite side of the table. "I'm on my break, please leave me alone." Izuku nervously bounced his leg, biting the dry skin on his lips.

A desperate look fell upon the blonde's face. "Please Izuku," he muttered, clenching his fists. 

His eyes flickered up from his phone, annoyance showing all over his face, "what do you want?" He asked. "I need to know. It's about what happened between us— the kiss. What are we now, Deku?"
"What kiss? Nothing happened between us, what are you talking about?" A blank expression rolled off his lips, showing a bored look.

Katsuki was shocked, his lips curling into a pout with his angered expression. "We fucking kissed, Deku. You totally liked it! Don't do this to me."
Izuku's eyes went back to his phone, lips visibly quivering before he set his phone down.

"It was a moment of weakness, Katsuki. I let my guard down, slipped into headspace. It meant nothing, we are nothing." The boy's ears perked back, his eyes looking down at his nails at he gently scratched against his uniform with it. "No, no. You meant it, I can tell. It's obvious when an omega is in headspace. You weren't." The older man reached over, lifting the other's head up as they exchanged looks.

"This is the exact look I remember. Your pretty face, gorgeous eyes staring back into mine. You had the same puppy dog eyed look, don't fool me." Their faces were practically inches from each other, the same as last time. The instinct to give in was heavier than ever, Izuku's glass-like eyes wandering to the man's lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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