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"Looks like someone's in a good mood." Tsu laughed. "Right?! It's rare that he ever says 'I love you' to us!" The green haired boy chuckled.

"Twenty dollars he's found himself an omega!" Uraraka cheered. "Thirty bucks he's just in a good mood," Izuku shrugged. "Yeah, I'm with Izuku." Tsu's finger went below her lip.

"We'll see!" The brunette happily skipped.


No One

They've finally gotten to the shop. Since they're supposed to open it, they cleaned everything up and made sure it was sanitized, then going to back, putting on their uniforms.

"I'll switch the sign!" The brunette happily walks over, switching the 'CLOSED' sign to 'OPEN'.

The three had about five minutes to spare to relax. It wasn't until she quickly walked back over to behind the counter, as she saw people approaching the wide, glass doors.


The customer walked up to the counter. "Hey, can I get a.. Vanilla Latte? Grande, please." The woman asked. "Sure. Will that be all?" Tsu asked, writing the order down on a notepad. The lady nodded, as Tsu printed and gave their receipt, hopping off to fetch their order.


Looks like the cafe's going to be busy today.

Izuku walked over slowly. A man with a suit, looking at his watch the whole time. "Hi! How may I-" "A black coffee with extra sugar. Hurry it up, I don't have time to waste, especially on someone like you." The man ordered, not even bothering to look him in the eyes.

"Show some damn respect, will ya'?" The greenette gave a death stare, gritting his teeth.

Izuku slowly took a deep breath, "sure, coming right up." He said with sarcasm, still giving a angered smile, going back into the kitchen,

He made the coffee, but before he went back out, it was too much of a burden to serve it empty handed. A mischievous grin pulled across his lips, smiling as he took the lid off.

"Fucking jerk." He'd spit in his coffee, putting the lid tightly back on. Quickly switching his face back to a smile, he began going out and handing the coffee to him.

The man slammed the money on the counter, not even bothering to thank the bot for his servicd. He only gave a glare, then walked out. "Have a good day!" Izuku waved him out. "Jerk." He'd mumble. "You spit in his coffee, didn't you?" Uraraka asked, walking over. "What? He deserved it," The green haired male giggled. Uraraka sighed and went into the kitchen.


"God dammit!" The green haired male crossed his arms. "What's wrong, Izuku?" Tsu asked. "I messed up an order, but it doesn't really matter since it probably taste the same." Izuku shrugged, while Tsu face palmed.

"You really need to learn how to properly make drinks. Maybe you shouldn't be on drink duty after all. We can't afford to get bad reviews, you know how boss is," Uraraka perked her head in from the kitchen doors.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever, I'll try my best. I'm working on it, alright?" Izuku rolled his eyes, walking out to the tables to hand a drink off.

It's no surprise that Izuku is extremely clumsy. Which is why, he's rarely on delivering duty. He'll somehow manage to drop the drink or trip and fall.

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