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It was better this way, anyway. He didn't feel like dealing with all the lies, excuses, and the disgusting looks of pity of their faces. "Not today, Izuku. Not today."

No one

"Do I have to? C-can't you just fucking find anyone else? How about a blind date, huh?"

"You called everyone else ugly, you don't get along with others. Don't trick me, he's perfect for you."

Izuku nervously scratched his nails against the fabric on his legs, making a disgusted face. Shinsou attempting to convince him to go out on one date with the evil blonde boy.

It was a great opportunity. Izuku could come out of his anti-social shell, maybe even fix Bakugou's horrific attitude. He had quite the temper, but he seemed calm and well behaved around his friends. If Midoriya could get on his good side, maybe it could lead to something more.

"Stop doing that, you need to cut your nails. You always ruin your jeans like that." Hitoshi moved his hand from the now slightly roughed up pants.

"You should totally go for him. He looks like a total softie on the inside, try and crack him open. Like— a coconut. Hard on the outside, wet on the inside." Monoma teased, joining into the conversation.

"Why the hell are you speaking to me? I hate people like you, twink."

"You're one to talk, strawberry leaves. You dress like a hooker or a hobo. Pick one, not both."

"Can I hit him?" The boy glared at Shinsou, "alright, that's enough from you two." He chuckled, an arm resting on Izuku's shoulder for reassurance.

"He has a point, though. Just give it a try, please? For me. I promise, I'll break his spinal cord if one thing goes wrong."

Izuku was hesitant. Was he really ready to put himself back out there? Of course not, but he wanted to do it for his friends. His group was always worried for him, his every move was watched. They were like his parents, absolutely zero privacy. Protection at it's best.

"One date. If he says something stupid i'm taking the easiest way to kill myself." So dramatic, as always. Izuku gave an over exaggerated facial expression, expecting sympathy.

"Great, get dressed. Your date is in the next two hours. Wear something nice, hobo," the mocking smirk appeared widely across the other's lips, winking at his boyfriend.

"You two make me absolutely fucking sick."


Hair perfectly curled, eyeliner slightly messy, piercings screwed tightly. Dark green, bagygy cargo pants with his boxer's band snugged outside of his pants with a basic black and silver belt.

He wore a striped sweater with a thick, black leathered jacket. The outfit was pulled together with chunky, basic loafers. It was one of his basic outfits, something that wouldn't attract much attention. He wanted to keep a low profile as much as possible.

"I told you to dress nice."

"I did dress nice, I look hot. I'm not going to get all dolled up in a pretty little dress for a man who's going to call me something he'll regret." Izuku's hand was sassily put onto his hip.

"Now, money please." His hands stretched out, keeping his palm exposed, watching his 'father' roll his eyes, placing two hundred dollar bills in his hand.

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